Friday, August 2, 2024

Super-Love YOUNG HEROES IN LOVE "Your Lips! Your Eyes! Your Nuclear Breath Vision!" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

(Actually, we haven't seen this scene...yet!)
A newly-assembled group of youthful heroes and heroines meet their final member and check out their new Arctic base of operations...particularly the living arrangements...
As I said last time, a "superhero soap opera".
You'll be seeing more of this ensemble of...shall we say, super "Friends" (remember this is the mid-1990s) in the near future.

Next Week:
Two Marvel Heroes Fight for the Hand of a Marvel Heroine!
Which Heroes?
Which Heroine?
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
Support True Love Comics Tales!
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Thanx for telling us how you feel!