Showing posts with label quarantine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quarantine. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Love in the Time of Covid-19 DIARY LOVES and WEDDING BELLS "Summer Serenade"

Can being stuck in quarantine with someone lead to True Love?

According to this story from Quality's Diary Loves #27 (1952), the answer is yes!
So the "quarantine" was a fake, since no mention of it is made to John when he pulls up in the limo!
(Admittedly, the timeline after Jan is told about measles is nebulous.
Was she there a day...a week...or longer, before John shows up?)
This story initially appeared in Quality's Diary Loves #27 (1962) and seems pretty innocuous.
However, when the story was reprinted in Quality's Wedding Bells #13 (1956), the newly-implemented Comics Code Authority insisted on some weird changes:
Jan's already-tasteful clothing now covers more of her!
Both Brent and John have been de-aged from early/mid 30s to early 20s!
The hand-scripted "diary entries" have been changed to standard comic book lettering..and the final "diary entry" has been re-written!
Either way, it's a happy ending!
Next Week...
Another Tale of Disease, Debilitating Conditions and Desire!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
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