Showing posts with label Standard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Standard. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Sometimes there are valid reasons for women to be cautious about men...

...but rarely are there situations that require not just distrust, but hatred of the other gender!
We don't know who scripted or illustrated this never-reprinted story from Standard's Intimate Love #13 (1951), but this tale is a classic example of unrealistic plotting and scripting, even by comic book standards!

Next Week...
Another Story About a Woman Who Proclaims...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Alex Toth Tales POPULAR ROMANCE "Blinded by Love"

This tale about a love triangle from childhood to adulthood...
...and from lighthearted fun to tragedy would make for a heck of a Hallmark Channel movie!
This poignant Alex Toth-penciled and Mike Peppe-inked story from Standard's Popular Romances #22 (1953) is probably the single-most reprinted tale from any of the company's romance books.
Next Week:
We don't know...yet...what Alex Toth Tale we're going to present!
But we can tell you this...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor!
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...which includes the tale presented here and other romance (as well as sci-fi, war, and horror stories) by Alex Toth for Standard Comics!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Alex Toth Tales THRILLING ROMANCES "Chance for Happiness"

Can a war bride find happiness in America with her ex-army husband?
Or will annoying in-laws who look down their noses at immigrants screw the whole thing up?
While the scripter of this poignant tale of redemption and reconciliation from Standard's Thrilling Romances #23 (1953) is unknown, the pencil art is by comics legend Alex Toth (with inks by Mike Peppe) who went from being one of comics' best storytellers to designing/art directing most of the 1960s-70s non-funny animal output of tv animation studio Hanna-Barbera, including Space Ghost, Scooby-Doo, Super Friends, and Josie and the Pussycats!
So, this month, our topic is one particular artist, and we'll be featuring his romance comics art from the 1950s through 1970s!
Next Week:
We Don't Know Which Alex Toth Tale We'll Present...Yet!
But, We Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
(and now a word from our sponsor...)
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True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Advice d'Amour DEAR BEATRICE FAIRFAX "Heck of a Thing for a Man to be Doing!"

Before Dear Abby...
Before Ann Landers...
(and I'll bet no reader under 40 knows who they are!)...

Cover by Alex Schomburg
...she was the original "Miss Lonely Hearts" newspaper columnist!
From 1898...
The column's popularity resulted in a radio show, an action-packed silent movie serial where "Beatrice" herself intervened personally in matters both romantic and criminal (Girls have always loved "bad boys"!), and this short-lived 1950-51 comic which dramatized some of her columns!
Now on with today's never-reprinted tale from Standard's Dear Beatrice Fairfax #5 (1950)!
Don't ya just love a happy ending?
Though the scripter (who may have been a King Features Syndicate writer assigned to the project) is unknown, the artist was Vernon Greene, whose work we've already seen HERE.
Next Week:
Another Story Hosted by Someone Who Believes He/She is Qualified to Solve Other People's Problems!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Romance on the Range WESTERN HEARTS "I Loved an Outlaw"

Welcome to "Western Romance Month" at our blog!

Intro from Standard's Western Hearts #1 (1949).
In the late 1940s-early 50s, a flood of romance comics hit newsstands as the industry looked for the next "hot" genre after superheroes faded out!
Interestingly, a number of Western-themed tales appeared in these anthologies...and received very good reader response.
With Westerns already one of the major genres in comics from Day One, publishers decided to try a mix of the genres, and "Western Romance" comics were born!
Every publisher had at least one, and a couple had several running simultaneously!
Here's a never-reprinted tale, also from Standard's Western Hearts (#4 in 1950) which seems to validate the trope that girls love "bad boys"...
Illustrated by penciler John Severin and inked by Will Elder, this story seems to be set in both the present (Coke and coffee machines in the restaurant, then-current suits and dresses throughout the story in indoor scenes), and the past (no autos/jeeps, telephones, aircraft...which would've been used in a search for the kidnapped girl!).
There was a sub-genre within Western romances of "dude ranch" tales featuring then-contemporary urban dwellers who find True Love while moving to (or just vacationing in) rural environments.
Is that the case here, or did the artists just inadvertently draw the tale that way?
We'll never know!

Next Week:
Another "Romance on the Range"!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!

And now a word from out sponsor..
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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Amorous Education JETTA OF THE 21st CENTURY "What a Specimen"

To help ease your sad return to school before Labor Day (those of you with an extended school year)...
MORE fun with Dan DeCarlo's Jetta!
The 21st Century isn't what they thought it would be in 1953...
"Leaping Electrodes!"
"Now we're cookin' with uranium!"
"Go atomize yourself!"
"This is simply electronic!"
Why aren't we all talking like this?
This tale from Jetta #6 (which was actually the second issue) was written and penciled by Dan DeCarlo, but it may not have been inked by him.
Next Week...
We're Not Yet Certain What We'll Present!
But We Can Guarantee that...

You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

And now a word from our sponsor...

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Dan DeCarlo's Jetta