Showing posts with label Jack Abel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jack Abel. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Super-Love Redux with SUPERGIRL "Heroine Haters" Conclusion

...depressed over her Stanhope College classmates finding boyfriends using computer dating, Kara uses the Fortress of Solitude's Super-Computer to find the perfect mate for her.
While it indicates that Volar of the planet Torma is perfect for her, the Girl of Steel's cousin (you-know-who) warns her against unrealistic expectations.
Supergirl travels to Torma and discovers that women there are treated as 2nd-class citizens, and that she's considered an amusing freak!
But will love for the handsome and dynamic Volar, whose respect and admiration for her is far different from any of the other men of Torma, enable her to overcome such blatant prejudice?
BTW, note that Volar looks totally-different on the cover by penciler Curt Swan and inker Murphy Anderson!
Too bad DC never followed-up on the saga of the first transvestite super-heroine.
BTW, why couldn't Volar's genius scientist father synthesize the chemicals needed to utilize the mask?
Just askin'...
Also, since Superman programs his Super-Computer, why didn't he add the information on Volar's disguise to the database?
Or did the computer deliberately leave out that info when responding to Suprgirl's query?
Note: There was a transvestite super-hero in the 1940s...the original Cat-Man!

Written by Cary Bates, penciled by Win Mortimer and inked by Jack Abel, this cover-featured tale from DC's Adventure Comics #384 (1969) would probably have a much different ending if created today!
There are now numerous main and supporting gay and bisexual characters in comics and comics-oriented media, so the idea of two heroines (or heroes) being involved would hardly be shocking to the audience...

Next Week...
Yet More Super-Love!
Will It be a Marvel or DC Character?
Or Somebody from Neither Publisher?
All We Can Tell You is...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Super-Love Redux with SUPERGIRL "Heroine Haters" Part 1

We re-present...
...a never-reprinted Silver Age romance of Kara Zor-El aka Linda Danvers aka Supergirl!
This particular one involves both Artificial Intelligence misleading a user and a romance that would be handled quite differently if this story was done today!
Actually, you'll have to tune in tomorrow, when we present the conclusion of this...unique...relationship!
Written by Cary Bates, penciled by Win Mortimer and inked by Jack Abel, this cover-featured tale from DC's Adventure Comics #384 (1969) would probably have a much different ending if it was created today!
As we said, be back TOMORROW!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Volume 1
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Monday, August 17, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Love Conquers All...Even Supergirl!" Conclusion

...supervillainess StarFire recruits charismatic criminal Derek Ames to trick Supergirl into ingesting an experimental drug that will remove/supress her super-powers!
Faking being mugged in order to meet the Girl of Steel, the sleazeball makes the most of the opportunity to "thank" his "rescuer"...
Unlike Adventure Comics' readers, you'll only have to wait a day to see the continuation of this never-reprinted tale from DC's Adventure Comics #402 (1971) which altered the status quo of Supergirl for several years!
Be Back Tomorrow...If You Dare!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Daring New Adventures of Supergirl
Volume 1

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Jilting of Supergirl" Part II: Wedding Bells for Supergirl

Kara (in her secret identity as college student Linda Danvers) offers a sympathetic shoulder to Lois Lane, who fears Superman will marry a super-powered woman instead of than her!
The disguised Girl of Steel knows that circumstance won't ever happen to her.
But, she finds even the hottest young college men leave her unimpressed and bored!
A couple of days after saving the crew of a damaged burrowing vehicle from an underground race, a new student, Steve Robbins, appears at Stanhope College!
Handsome beyond belief and incredibly-smart (he even corrects teachers), the transfer student enchants the disguised superheroine!
That weekend, the football team's newest player (guess who?) displays his mettle...
Written by Robert Kanigher, penciled by Win Mortimer and inked by Jack Abel, this never-reprinted story from DC's Adventure Comics #385 (1969) is yet another tale of Supergirl falling madly in love (and even ready to marry the guy) in a dozen pages!
But she isn't always a love-sick sad sack.
In two weeks, you'll see what happens when the Maid of Might is the dumper...instead of the dumpee!
But Next Week:
Another Never-Seen-in-America Tale of Intergalactic Love...or is It Just Lust...with Agar-Agar!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Supergirl: the Silver Age Omnibus
Volume 2
(which ends just before the stories we're re-presenting!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Jilting of Supergirl" Part I

Talk about "spoilers"...

...but if this doesn't tug on your heartstrings (and make you wonder "why"???), nothing will!

Is Steve too good to be true?
What is his startling secret...and how will it affect the Girl of Steel?
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Supergirl: the Silver Age Omnibus
Volume 2
(which ends just before the stories we're re-presenting!)

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Heroine Haters" Conclusion

...depressed over her Stanhope College classmates finding boyfriends using computer dating, Kara uses the Fortress of Solitude's Super-Computer to find the perfect mate for her.
While it indicates that Volar of the planet Torma is perfect for her, the Girl of Steel's cousin warns her against getting her hopes up.
Supergirl travels to Torma and discovers that women there are treated as 2nd-class citizens, and that she's considered an amusing freak!
But will love for the handsome and dynamic Volar, whose respect and admiration for her is far different from any of the other men of Torma, enable her to overcome such blatant prejudice?
Too bad DC never followed-up on the saga of the first transvestite super-heroine.
Note: There was a transvestite super-hero in the 1940s...the original Cat-Man!
Written by Cary Bates, penciled by Win Mortimer and inked by Jack Abel, this cover-featured tale from DC's Adventure Comics #384 (1969) would probably have a much different ending if created today!
There are now numerous gay and bisexual characters (both main and supporting) in comics and comics-oriented media, so the idea of two heroines (or heroes) being involved would hardly be shocking to the audience...

Next Week...

We're alternating the Supergirl entries this summer with the remaining Agar-Agar tales...which were never published in America!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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