Showing posts with label fumetti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fumetti. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

BARBIE Foreign Magazines and Current Comics

Though Barbie's publishing history in America is somewhat irregular... Europe there has almost always been some periodical starring the fashion doll who was, in fact, based on a European fashion doll!
The magazines tend to feature materials about the dolls and related products along with teen lifestyle articles and fumetti starring the dolls themselves...
I don't remember American Barbies having spacesuits (or ray guns) like these, so they may have been European market exclusives, or custom-produced for the fumetti!
Note that while these pages are in sequence, they're not consecutive.
BTW, that last word means "end" in Swedish, not what it means in English!
(Get your minds out of the gutter!)
Meanwhile, in America, Barbie's been in a publishing revival since around 2015, with an interesting twist...
The character, as portrayed in current comics, is younger than the 18-25 year old adult previously-shown...
...and her adventures are far more fantastical!
And speaking of "fantastical"...
See Barbie when it opens in theatres this weekend!

Next Week:
The Story of a Rival 1960s Fashion Doll Who Had Her Own Long-Running Comic Book Series!
(and yes, there's a surprise twist to the tale!)
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
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