Showing posts with label Cowboy Romances. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cowboy Romances. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

John Buscema Tales COWBOY ROMANCES "Cowgirls Don't Cry!"

Then-fledgling (now-legendary) artist John Buscema entered the comics field in 1949...
...and this tale, combining romance with a contemporary Western setting, was among the stories he illustrated that year!
This never-reprinted story from Atlas' Cowboy Romances #1(1949) was one of nine romance tales John illustrated that year.
Six of them were for Western romance comics!
(It was a very popular sub-genre at that point!)
BTW, John followed the established format for Atlas Comics' romance stories.
No full-page "splash" pages!
Six-panels to a page (except for the first page).
Lots of medium (from the waist up) and close-up panels.
When Buscema began working for other publishers, those restrictions no longer applied, and the artist we've come to know and admire burst forth...
Next Week, a 1950s story from John Buscema!
Witness his artistic evolution decade by decade!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a Word from Our Sponsor...
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A combination of complete checklist of Buscema's comic and magazine work and a heavily-illustrated catalog of a 2009 Italian museum exhibition of his work!