...this popular series is a super-sitcom, playing off decades-old concepts from both DC and Marvel...but mostly DC!
And on that light-hearted note, we take our leave until
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
Created, written and illustrated by Thom (My Little Pony) Zahler, the series has continued, on and off, from 2006 to the present, detailing Mark and Abby's relationship from dating to...well...what dating and getting serious often leads to...no, not divorce!
Think of the culture clashes of Bob ❤︎ Abishola, but with superbeings!
In fact, reading this tale. with all the major superheroing being "off-camera", I wonder if it was meant to be a TV sitcom!
(Note: I hoped to do a link to a DVD or Blu-Ray collection of Bob ❤︎ Abishola, but there ain't none!
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