This is one of those "contemporary city slicker finds love at the dude ranch" tales...
Illustrated by John Giunta and scripted by an unknown writer, this never-reprinted tale from DC's Romance Trail #2 (1949) plays up one of the "open secrets" of genre (mystery/sci fi-fantasy/Western) fiction...that a number of supposed male authors were actually women, whether using a name that could be either male or female (as Lee does) or a male pseudonym!
There's an article about the phenomenon in Old West fiction HERE!
Ironically, this comic book story was, more than likely, scripted by a male writer!
There's an article about the phenomenon in Old West fiction HERE!
Ironically, this comic book story was, more than likely, scripted by a male writer!
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Another "Romance on the Range"!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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