Showing posts with label Marvel Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marvel Comics. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

WE Hated Men! SAVAGE TALES "Fury of the Femizons"

You'd think nothing says "I Hated Men!" like a woman running a sword through a man's heart...
...except in the case presented in this Women's Lib-era story from the b/w magazine Savage Tales #1 (1971)!
(Was it really over a half-century ago?
Lord, I feel so old...)

Written by Stan Lee and illustrated by John Romita, Sr,  this tale had an unusual genesis, as detailed on the editorial page by editor Roy Thomas...

Women's liberation.
It's all around us, be we male or female.
marches, intellectual treatises, picketing, bra-burning, some four-letter forensics, and more burnings–not always of bras.
"Women are the equals of men every day, in every way!'
Men are beginning to believe it.
Women always knew it.
So what happens if maybe we come the full circle in, say the next hundred years or so?
What if women turn the rascals out–and we do mean out!
What would we have then?
A better world? Perhaps.
A gentler world? Could be.
different world? Believe it.
Stan Lee got to wondering-and, by and by, he set imaginative artist Johnny Romita to wondering along with him.
The result is, perhaps, something just a wee bit new under the sun.
Not quite sword-and-sorcery–certainly not science-fiction–and not exactly a political polemic.
Robin Morgan clobbers Buck Rogers in the 25th century!
Kate Millett zaps both Flash Gordon and Ming the Merciless–then takes over Mongo for good measure!
The hand that rocks the cradle really rules the world!
Next Week:
In June, We Return to Our Original Format of Posting Whatever Catches Our Fancy!
And We Can Guarantee...
...You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

John Buscema Tales OUR LOVE STORY "Only One Can Win!"

Though Don Heck is better-remembered by today's fans as a penciler...

...he actually was a rather elegant (though slow) inker, as his rendering of John Buscema's pencils on this Stan Lee-scripted torrid tale from Marvel's Our Love Story #3 (1969) amply-demonstrates!

Because, like John Buscema, he was such a fast penciler, both Marvel and DC used Heck in that capacity, only rarely letting him ink even his own work!
To be fair, Buscema was a faster inker...and John eventually talked Marvel's editors into letting him ocasionally ink his own rough layouts (not full pencils).
Next Week, John Buscema's final romance comic tale, from 1972!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a Word from Our Sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales
Visit Amazon and Buy...
A combination of complete checklist of Buscema's comic and magazine work and a heavily-illustrated catalog of a 2009 Italian museum exhibition of his work!

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Happy 100th Birthday Stan Lee...Romance Comics Writer!

Besides tales of the super-powered denizens of the "Marvel Universe"...
...centennial birthday boy Stan (the Man) Lee scripted hundreds of romance comics stories...
You can see all of Stan Lee's work we've re-presented on this blog (including the ones shown above) by clicking HERE!
Next Week:
You'll see the postponed conclusion to our "Hallmark Christmas Movie"-style tale, Sweet Santa!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!

And now a word from out sponsor..
Marvel's picked some of the best love comics from the 60s and 70s!
"It Happened at Woodstock," "My Heart Broke in Hollywood," "Love on the Rebound!"
Collects Love Romance #89 and #101-104; My Love #2, #14, #16 and #18-20; Teen-Age Romance #77 and #84, Our Love Story #5; and Patsy Walker #119.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Super-Love SECRET WARS: SECRET LOVE "Ms Marvel II & Ghost Rider IV in 'Fan of a Fan' "

You want romantic angst that rocks you to your core?
You want to see a super-hero/heroine experiencing it?
How about a teen-age super-heroine, as this somewhat-deceptive cover by David Nakayama suggests?
OK, so it reads like an Archie comics story with a triangle of Kamala (who's oblivious to the crush by)...Bruno (who fears Kamila will fall for)...Robbie!
(Told you the cover was deceptive!)
Written and illustrated by Felipe Smith, this too-cute-for-words tale was from Marvel's Secret Wars: Secret Love one-shot, one of the few good parts of the whole terrible Secret Wars "Big Event" of 2015.
BTW, Kamala is the second Ms Marvel (after Carol Danvers), and Robbie Reyes is the fourth Ghost Rider (fifth if you count the non-demonic Western 1960s character).
Next Week:
MORE Super-Love!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Super-Love MIGHTY THOR "To Become an Immortal!" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

...Thor has brought his mortal love, Jane Foster, to Asgard to "meet the family" and get All-Father Odin's approval for marriage!
However, things are not going as well as hoped...

Though the romance between Jane and Thor ended at this point, it wasn't truly over (as explained HERE)!
Eventually, Jane became the Goddess of Thunder by wielding Mjonir!
But before that momentous event occurred in the Marvel Universe, it happened in an "imaginary story" that was never part of official Marvel history...though it was published by Marvel!
You can see that story HERE!
Next Week:
Another super-romance (with a wedding) featuring the most famous couple in comic book history!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Super-Love MIGHTY THOR "To Become an Immortal!" Part 1

From Mighty Thor's introduction in Marvel's Journey into Mystery #83 (1962)... of the ongoing plotlines was Dr Don Blake aka Thor's love for Nurse Jane Foster.

It was a classic case of unrequited love, complicated by the fact that Thor's father (Odin, ruler of the Norse gods) disapproved of the romance, believing the mortal woman was "unworthy" of his immortal son!
Thor eventually revealed his secret to Jane, and, in Marvel's Mighty Thor #136 (1966), brought her to Asgard to meet the family...
This certainly takes meeting the prospective in-laws to a new level of stress!

Only in Theaters
This Weekend!