Showing posts with label Space Adventures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space Adventures. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Countdown to Halloween 2016: SPACE ADVENTURES "Imitation People" Part 2

Though it doesn't look like a love story...
...that's what this cover-featured tale from Charlton's Space Adventures V2N4 (1968) most definitely is!
We Have Already Seen...
Scientist Warren Simms' human-looking robots populate Earth II, a planetoid on the edge of the Solar System that serves as a first line of defense against alien incursions.
Simms' robots are programmed to mimic human behavior and emotions...but some of them (his aide Clarissa, particularly) seem to be transcending their programming!
While meeting with Earth's Grand Council to acquire additional funding and resources, Clarissa makes a startling revelation...
Don't you just love a happy ending?
Since the Simms robot is, for all intents and purposes, Simms, we could say that love is eternal and transcends death.
But, what of his soul?
Writer Joe Gill and artist Jim Aparo don't address that matter in this never-reprinted tale.
But that doesn't mean we can't speculate about it, eh?
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Most sci-fi fans believe love can exist between any sentient beings...
...and, yes, we're referring to hot 'n heavy "getting it on" love, not the "love thy neighbor" type.
I'm sure you were expecting some sort of "Twilight Zone-twist" ending, but weren't sure exactly what it would be.
Luckily, readers of this blog hadn't seen the cover to Charlton's Space Adventures #8 (1953) the way readers who picked up the comic from a drugstore or newsstand saw it, before reading the story...
Art by Dick Giordano
...because it gives away the plot twist!
Illustrated by Dick Giordano (pencils) and Art Cappello (inks).
The writer is unknown.
Next week:
We haven't decided yet what it'll be, but we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)
And now a word from out sponsor...
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