Showing posts with label Pride Month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pride Month. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Pride in Print DREAM DADDY "Much Abird About Nothing"

We conclude this month's Pride theme with...

Single daddies...who just happen to be gay.
Gee, they seem like...well...typical guys!
And, to answer an obvious question, the bird in the story's title is about to steal a couple of fries, but since that's a multi-page plotline, we suggest you get the graphic novel (conveniently-listed below) to see the rest of the tale!
Written by Wendy Xu and illustrated by Ryan Maniulit, this is from the first issue of an Oni Press 2018 six-issue mini-series about an interactive computer gaming app called Dream Daddy: a Dad Dating Simulator which allows the player to create an on-line character to interact with a number of existing characters whose backstories are told in this series!
Next Month:
July is dedicated to...
...with stories from both the 1960s Dell comic and the 1990s Marvel comic!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Pride in Print AFTER HOURS

Japanese comics (manga) have always been less...restrictive...than American comics.... this PG-13 example of the Shoujo-ai/Yuri (women's romance) genre proves!
Note: manga reads right-to-left, not left-to-right, as Western comics do!
And that's how they "met cute"...
Note that this excerpt is a scanalation from the original Japanese magazine publication.
The official American reprint from Viz removes the Japanese "sfx" as shown on this version of Page 3...
...and has slightly-different translations.
The series differs from the usual shoujo-ai/yuri strip (which feature high-school/college teen-agers) since the lead characters are adults.
Emi is in her mid-20s and Kei is early to mid 30s.
It's engrossing and entertaining, going into how the duo combine business (music DJ-ing) and romance after moving in together and it's tastefully-done.

Next Week:
Another Tale of Forbidden True Love!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!

And now a word from out sponsor..
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After Hours

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Pride in Print BINGO LOVE "1963"

True Love lasts a lifetime...
...and transcends all barriers, including religion, race, and gender!
Image's Bingo Love is a superb example...and it's PG-13!
As in most cases, the course of True Love doesn't run smoothly, and the couple are forced to break up...
...but are reunited a half-century later, and remain together until, as they say, " 'til death do you part"!
Since the book, written by Tee Franklin and illustrated by Jenn St-Onge, is still in print, I'm only running excerpts.
But you can order it from Amazon (hint, hint) since the book's being banned from school and public libraries...

Next Week:
Another Tale of Forbidden True Love!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!

And now a word from out sponsor..
Please Support True Love Comics Tales!
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