Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Laugh at Love FLIP! "For the Love of Mike"

Our final "Laugh at Love" entry was created for one of the many MAD comic book clones of the 1950s!
But, it was illustrated by an artist who was noted for his serious romance comic stories!
Writer Nat Barnett never wrote a romance comic tale.
His two-dozen or so comic book scripts ranged from humor (including this story from Harvey's Flip! #1 [1954]) to horror to war, but absolutely no love comics!
Artist Bob Powell was another matter, as anybody who has perused this blog can tell you!
Starting with "I Joined a Teen-Age Sex Club!" he's one of the biggest comic creatives featured here!
As a bonus for our finale of fun, here's the original art for this story, thanks to the ever-amazing Kraktactaka!

Next Week:
We're devoting all of March to one graphic novel of True Love based on a very popular (and controversial) prose series!
And, as Always, We Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Love is a Prison A MOON, A GIRL...ROMANCE "Prison Widow"

Now witness a tale where things, hopefully, might end differently!
Written and illustrated by Al Feldstein, this rarely-reprinted story from EC's A Moon, a Girl...Romance #12 (1950) ends with potential happiness for Florence....but was the original version meant to show her losing both men?
BTW, even though it was the cover-featured story for this issue, the cover was just so dull and boring...
...not to mention inaccurate (since Flo didn't know her incarcerated hubby was heading home after being paroled), that we went with the far more exciting splash page!

Next Week...
Another Story About How
Love is a Prison...with Two Twists!
One of Them is That Both of the Lovers are Incarcerated!
(And We Aren't Telling You What the Other One Is!)
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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(No Copies of the Out-of-Print Complete Reprint of the A Moon, a Girl...Romance Hardcover are Currently Available on Amazon)

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Love is a Prison ALL TRUE ROMANCE "Love Blind"

There's a cliche about how "girls love bad boys"...
...and Sally Jones is about to discover how "bad" a boy Ace Miller is...and how he'll prove Love is a Prison!
The scripter for this never-reprinted story from Comic Media's All True Romance #9 (1953) is unknown, and the art is by the staff of the Iger Studio, who provided editorial and art services to small publishers who didn't have their own creatives.
So, we don't know who to credit (or blame) for this particular tale.
Note: as of the next issue, the publisher began producing their own material using a mix of established and new/upcoming writers and artists who created a unique look and tone for their entire line (not just the romance books) until the company's demise two years later due to the industry-shaking "Seduction of the Innocent" mania of the mid-1950s.

Next Week...
Another Story About How
Love is a Prison!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

IT RHYMES WITH LUST "Chapter 6: the Serpent Coils" Conclusion

When Last We Left Rust, Hal, Audrey, and the rest...
...Hal has exposed Rust's secret control of Copper City!
The she-devil and her henchmen rush to the copper mines to retake gunpoint if necessary!
But when her trigger-happy thugs shoot a miner, all hell breaks loose and Rust is forced to flee!
The End?
Not quite...
There's one more story to tell...
Now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

IT RHYMES WITH LUST "Chapter 3: Deadly Female" Part 2

Newspaperman Hal Weber runs the Copper City Express, which is secretly-owned by his ex-lover Rust Masson.
Rust also controls both the government and gangland of the city.
Though Rust believes she also controls Hal, her step-daughter Audrey is influencing the editor against Rust both intellectually and emotionally...
To Be Continued...
Now a word from our sponsor...
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