Showing posts with label Falling in Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Falling in Love. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

SECRET HEARTS "So Little Time!" / FALLING IN LOVE "Perfect Gift"

Here's a bittersweet Yuletide tale about potential love that was published twice...

...first, half a century ago, in DC's Secret Hearts #87 (1963)...
...then, with the usual "updating" of fashions, hairstyles, and automobiles (and a title change) in DC's Falling in Love #128 (1972)!
Not every Christmas romance story ends like a Hallmark Channel Holiday Movie, even in the 1960s-70s!
Illustrated by veteran artist John Rosenberger, the name of the scripter of this melancholy tale is lost to the snows of time.
If you find this tale too depressing, click HERE for a much happier one we ran a couple of hears ago!


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

FALLING IN LOVE "I Was a Prisoner of Love!"

It's a new month...and a new topic for the month!
Read the story and see if you can guess what type of tale we'll be presenting for the rest of the month!
(Hint: It ain't what you'll think!)
Did you guess the genre for the month from this never-reprinted, cover-featured story from DC's Falling in Love #71 (1964), illustrated by penciler Mike Sekowsky and inkers Joe Giella and Frank Giacoia?
It ain't show business romance!
(Although that's a whole category perfect for another month!)
It ain't men who use women and then dump them!
It ain't women who let themselves be treated like doormats!
Actually, the answer is purely in the (admittedly-metaphorical) title!
We're doing "Love is a Prison" in September...which will feature one (or both) of the protagonists incarcerated!
Yes, this story is a bit of a cheat, but the tale is so delightfully-overwrought and the cover was sooo kool, that we wanted to find some reason to post it!
And you did enjoy it, didn't you?
Forgive us?
Next Week...
One (or Both) of Our Lovers is Imprisoned!
We Can Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

And Now a Word from Our Sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales
Visit Amazon and Order...

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Laugh at Love! TRUER THAN TRUE ROMANCE "I Hate My Hair!" / FALLING IN LOVE "Stolen Dreams!"

Over the past two weeks, we presented stories created in the early 1970s...the end of romance comics!

For the remaining two entries, we're running stories created during the 1950s-60s, the Silver Age of Comics!
Ironically, writer Jeanne Martinet would be considered "politically-incorrect" today for her characterization of androgenous appearance and the resulting gender confusion!
Hardly the sort of thing penciler Tony Abruzzo, inker Bernard Sachs, and an unknown writer had in mind when they created the story for DC's Falling In Love #4 (1956).
Interestingly, when this story was reprinted over a decade later in DC's Falling in Love #99 (1968), only the women's hairstyles were "updated", with the protaganist's hair modified to the then-trendy "page boy" style!
Neither the mens' hair nor anybody's fashions were updated!
(They usually gave the men sideburns and/or longer hair to make them look "mod"!)
But they felt they had to change her hair!
Go figure...

Next Week:
The Final Serious Romance Story Rewritten for Laughs and We Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales
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