Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Amorous Education HI-SCHOOL ROMANCE: How "Shame" Became "Sham"

Here's a cover-featured tale from the 1950s about teen pregnancy...

Illustrated by Bob Powell and scripted by an unknown writer, this tale from Harvey's Hi-School Romance #24 (1953) reflects the conservative/Repug mindset...unless Marge is their daughter, of course!
But, that's not the end of it!
Due to the Republican-created "Seduction of the Innocent" mania of the 1950s, the comic book industry created a self censorship-board, The Comics Code Authority, to avoid government censorship!
When this story was reprinted in Harvey's Hi-School Romance #52 (1956), it was extensively-modified in both story and art, beginning with the title, re-setting the venue from high school to college, and extending skirt lengths (which were scandalously-short in the original)...
...and making Alan far less of a sleazy wimp than he was in the original story!
Here's where the changes become really interesting...a certain inconvenient matter has suddenly disappeared!
And a spanking-new happy ending!
It's the Republican vision of America in 1956...I mean 2022!
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

YOUNG ROMANCE "It's a Girl!"

After hearing about Todd Akin, it's no wonder that the worst thing a Republican can hear is...
...and that Republican men in 2012 haven't progressed from the mind-set shown in this 58-year-old tale from Young Romance #65 (1954)!
To be fair, women as portrayed in this story aren't much better.
Lois is a doormat ("...we'll keep him happy! Isn't that what a man's womenfolk are for, after all?"), and JD seems rather butch, as if she had to be as manly as the males around her simply to be competent.
And you'll note JD's (gasp) not married!
It's scary that this seems to be the image of America that Republicans want to return to.

Sorry to vent, but after reading about sheer idiocy like Akins' comments, I feel the need to do so or GO MAD!  

Story probably by Joe Simon and/or Jack Kirby.
Layouts by Jack Kirby.
Pencils/inks by John Prentice
Next week:
We haven't decided yet what it'll be, but we can guarantee that...
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