It's possible to interpret "symbolic" splash panels literally... RE-writer Paul Di Fillipo does in this story...which is not originally by writer Jean Thomas, penciler Gene Colan, and inker Bill Everett as these credits list!
Before we proceed to the original tale, we'd like to point out that the art here is so iconically "romance comic", that a panel from page 3 was used for the cover of the trade paperback reprint Marvel Romance (2006)...
So, who did the art?
All will be revealed at the end...
For the record, the art is by penciler Don Heck and inker John Romita Sr!
The writer is unknown, but suspected to be Stan Lee!
I did a little research on-line at the
Grand Comics Database (an
amazing resource) and discovered...
1) There are
a couple of dozen romance comics tales spread over several different publishers titled "Jilted" or "Jilted!" (Note the exclamation point!)
None of the stories with that title had credits for Jean Thomas. Gene Colan, or Bill Everett!
3) The
Marvel Romance Redux reworking's credits list John Romita as penciler and Jim Mooney as inker...with question marks, and states..."Art is credited to Gene Colan, pencils, and Bill Everett, inks, but this is clearly in error."
Sloppy reference work on
Marvel Romance Redux by the editor and/or assistant editor, eh?
Next Week:
Our Final Humorous Romance Story (for now) and We Guarantee That, Even Though It Is Funny...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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