Showing posts with label Ghost Rider IV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ghost Rider IV. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Super-Love SECRET WARS: SECRET LOVE "Ms Marvel II & Ghost Rider IV in 'Fan of a Fan' "

You want romantic angst that rocks you to your core?
You want to see a super-hero/heroine experiencing it?
How about a teen-age super-heroine, as this somewhat-deceptive cover by David Nakayama suggests?
OK, so it reads like an Archie comics story with a triangle of Kamala (who's oblivious to the crush by)...Bruno (who fears Kamila will fall for)...Robbie!
(Told you the cover was deceptive!)
Written and illustrated by Felipe Smith, this too-cute-for-words tale was from Marvel's Secret Wars: Secret Love one-shot, one of the few good parts of the whole terrible Secret Wars "Big Event" of 2015.
BTW, Kamala is the second Ms Marvel (after Carol Danvers), and Robbie Reyes is the fourth Ghost Rider (fifth if you count the non-demonic Western 1960s character).
Next Week:
MORE Super-Love!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!