Showing posts with label Warren King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warren King. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Now that it's September...'s a tale for the final weekend of warm weather that really fits the concept of a "beach read'!

You'll note a couple of two-page spreads at the beginning of the story.
St John's Adventures in Romance #1 (1949), experimented with doing double-page spreads to establish a distinctive "look".
Sadly, it only lasted two issues.  ;-(

The painted cover art (by the story's artist, Warren King) was based on the final panel of the story.
While other comics publishers used painted covers on their romance comics, most of those were re-used pulp or paperback paintings which were unrelated to the interior stories!
Artist Warren King spent several years in comic books doing everything from superheroes to horror to romance, before moving into newspaper cartooning, becoming the in-house editorial cartoonist at the NY Daily News and winning the National Cartoonists Society Best Editorial Cartoonist Award in 1968.
He passed away in 1978.

Next week:
We haven't decided yet what it'll be, but we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)

And now a word from out sponsor...
You can own a kool komic collectible
(t-shirt, mug, tote bag, etc.)
 embellished with the cover art from this week's torrid tale... clicking HERE!