Showing posts with label bondage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bondage. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

DEAR LONELY HEART "So This is Love!"

This is not the typical way a 1950s romance comic story begins...
...but this tale from Comic Media's Dear Lonely Heart #1 (1951) does have some predictable, even cliche, twists!
One date and he proposes?
And she accepts?
If she has a concussion, the writer doesn't mention it...
Speaking of which, we don't know the identities of either the writer or artist (except that they worked for the Iger Studio, which "packaged" stories and even ongoing strips for publishers), which may be just as well since I suspect some of our readers would probably want to do them serious harm for their backward (even for 1951) portrayal of male/female relationships!
BTW, this was from the first issue of Dear Lonely Heart.
It was canceled after eight issues, but the publisher must've liked the title, because it launched Dear Lonely Hearts (note the "s") less than a year later.
It also lasted only eight issues.
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