Showing posts with label Gil Kane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gil Kane. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 30, 2021


It's summertime, so when better to present a tale about  summer romance?
But, I have to ask, was "Heartbreak Harry" a nickname for a "love 'em and leave 'em cad?
The "bad boy's" name in the story is "Jim"!
Jim would be seeking "friends with benefits" rather than "happily married" status if this never-reprinted story from Atlas' Actual Confessions #14 (1952) was created today!
As was common in comics "back in the day", the cover (by penciler Carmine Infantino and inker Gil Kane) and story (by artist Jay Scott Pike) were likely created weeks if not months apart,
Editor Stan Lee would sometimes come up with an idea, have a cover done based on it, then he (or another writer) would flesh out the concept for the story's illustrator (usually someone other than the cover artist) weeks or even months later, resulting in inadvertently changing story elements between the two!

Next Week:
We don't know what we'll present..yet,
but we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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