Showing posts with label Victoria Holt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victoria Holt. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Beach Read: GOTHIC TALES OF LOVE "Legend of the Seventh Virgin" Conclusion

According to legend, six novices living in a Cornish convent strayed from their vows and were turned to stone. 
The seventh faced quite a different fate. 
Years later when the convent became the family mansion of the St. Larnston family, fate beckoned to another young virgin.
Kerensa Carlee was only a cottage girl, but she possessed great ambition and greater beauty -- and she knew how to use them both.
Working in the legend-haunted mansion as a lady's maid, Kerensa began her perilous journey into womanhood.
She stirred old memories and mysteries, and brought to that quiet corner of Victorian Cornwall moonlight madness and an ancient vengeance . . . .
By the time this premiere issue of Marvel's Gothic Tales of Love appeared in 1975, Legend... was a certified best-seller and considered a classic of the genre...
So, presenting a condensed version of the novel was a clever marketing tool to boost sales of the new magazine.
Unfortunately, Gothic Tales of Love only lasted for three issues before disappearing into the mists of time...
Note: With over two hundred books credited to her various pen-names, Eleanor never published a single book under her married name, though she had numerous stand-alone novels and several novel series under her maiden name, Eleanor Burford (all of which were written after she married)!
Next week:
Starting Monday, we celebrate our return with a daily presentation of a multi-part Gothic graphic novel...perfect for a "beach read"!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)
And now a word from out sponsor...
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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Beach Read: GOTHIC TALES OF LOVE "Legend of the Seventh Virgin" Part 1

Here's the perfect novelette for your iPad or eReader on the beach...
...from the HTF first issue of Marvel's Gothic Tales of Love (1975)!
 But you'll only have to wait until tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion!
Legend of the Seventh Virgin by Victoria Holt (pseudonym of writer Eleanor Hibbert) was initially-published in 1964.
It was the fourth in a series of thirty-two stand-alone Gothic novels by the prolific author.
By the time this premiere issue of Marvel's Gothic Tales of Love appeared in 1975, Legend... was a certified best-seller and considered a classic of the genre...
So, presenting a condensed version of the novel was a clever marketing tool to boost sales of the new magazine.
Note: With over two hundred books credited to her various pen-names, Eleanor never published a single book under her married name, though she had numerous stand-alone novels and several novel series under her maiden name, Eleanor Burford (all of which were written after she married)!
And now a word from out sponsor...
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