Showing posts with label Veterans Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterans Day. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Alex Toth Tales POPULAR ROMANCE "Blinded by Love"

This tale about a love triangle from childhood to adulthood...
...and from lighthearted fun to tragedy would make for a heck of a Hallmark Channel movie!
This poignant Alex Toth-penciled and Mike Peppe-inked story from Standard's Popular Romances #22 (1953) is probably the single-most reprinted tale from any of the company's romance books.
Next Week:
We don't know...yet...what Alex Toth Tale we're going to present!
But we can tell you this...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor!
Please Support True Love Comics Tales!
Visit Amazon and Order...
...which includes the tale presented here and other romance (as well as sci-fi, war, and horror stories) by Alex Toth for Standard Comics!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

PERSONAL LOVE "A Love of My Own"

For Veteran's Day, here's a military-themed comic tale of True Love...
...that spans not only military ranks, but generations as well!
This touching (if unlikely) tale from Personal Love #24 (1953) was illustrated by an up-and-coming Frank Frazetta, who would go on to become one of the foremost sf/fantasy artists of all time, doing the definitive book covers of TarzanConan the BarbarianJohn Carter of Mars, and other classic characters as well as posters for movies and tv series including the original BattleStar Galactica.
Next week:
We haven't decided yet what it'll be, but we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)
And now a word from out sponsor...
Support Small Business