Showing posts with label Reed Crandall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reed Crandall. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Could there possibly be an innocent explanation for this scene?
Cover art by Matt Baker
If so, what could it be?
Ah, the old "She's my sister!" trope!
The unknown scripter of this never-reprinted story from Quality's Love Secrets #40 (1954) overplays the plot device...which could've been resolved a couple of pages earlier if the idiot guy had simply opened his phone call with "She's my sister and she's getting married and I'm her fiance's best man!" instead of a long, drawn-out explanation!
Though not identified by the Grand Comics Database, the art appears to be by Reed Crandall.

Next Week:
Another Tale of Mistrust Between the Sexes!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, January 25, 2023


Sometimes, the disdain by a female for males is warranted...

...but can still be overcome when she meets a better quality he!
This story from Quality's Heart Throbs #9 (1952) had a couple of modifications when it was reprinted in Quality's Brides Romances #12 (1955) after the implementation of the Comics Code...
...but only on the first two pages!
The Code apparently had no problem with the near-sexual assault on Pages 6-7...which remained unaltered in the reprint!
"Boys will be boys!", I suppose...
Penciled by Reed Crandall, but the scripter and inker are unknown.

Next Week:
A New Theme as We Enter a New Month!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!

And now a word from out sponsor..
Please Support True Love Comics Tales!
Visit Amazon and Order...

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Love in the Time of Covid-19 DIARY LOVES "I Was For Sale"

Sometimes disease affecting a loved one causes us to do the wrong thing...
...but for the right reason, as this never-reprinted story from Quality's Diary Loves #4 (1950) proves!
Talk about your potential "fate worse than death"!
Luckily, nobility and selfless sacrifice win out in the end!
Artist Reed Crandall was no slouch when it came to rendering beautiful women as his work on the heroic Blackhawk (who was constantly being pusued by glamorous female spies and other villainesses) book proved on a monthly basis!
Reed didn't often do  romance, but when he did, it was a beautifully-illustrated treat! 
However, the writer of this somewhat tawdry tale is unknown!
Note: the disease Laurie's brother Jimmy suffers from is called "glanders"...which only horses suffer from!
Next Week...
Another Tale of Debilitating Conditions and Desire!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
Marvel's picked some of the best love comics from the 60s and 70s...including "My Heart Broke in Hollywood,"
Collects Love Romance #89 and #101-104; My Love #2, #14, #16 and #18-20; Teen-Age Romance #77 and #84, Our Love Story #5; and Patsy Walker #119.