Showing posts with label Toby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toby. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Well, when he received his own comic, it inspired at least one publisher to put out an imitator!
Note that, though the cover reads "Hollywood Love Doctor", the feature itself is called "Hollywood Psychiatrist"!
(Perhaps the publisher thought putting "psychiatrist" on the cover would scare away readers!)
This never-reprinted tale of body-shaming from Toby's Dr Anthony King: Hollywood Love Doctor #1 (1952) was illustrated by Myron Fass.
The writer's name is lost to the mists of time.
As you might have guessed, this month's theme is "comics about busybodies who offer advice to those in romantic distress"...whether they are qualified to do so or not!
The participants range from medical personnel to quacks to newspaper columnists to the little old lady who lives next door!
Though almost every romance comic had such a feature, we're dealing specifically with those characters who actually had their own comics (and there were more of them than you think)!

Next Week:
Another Story Hosted by Someone Who Believes He/She is Qualified to Solve Other People's Problems!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Amorous Education SORORITY SECRETS "Secret!"

Halloween's over, so it's time to return to class...
...where students are diligently-applying themselves to the subject at hand!
Moral: if you don't like someone, blackmail them with a lie (but only if there's nothing truthful that's really juicy).
Ironically, that's exactly the sort of thing we see on prime-time soaps today, almost 70 years later!
This never-reprinted tale from Toby's Sorority Secrets #1 (1954) shows the styles of several noted Golden Age artists.
Among the talents listed as working on the book (but not as to which stories they did) are; Bernard Baily, Ben Brown, David Gantz, and John Rosenberger.
This particular story shows both Baily and Rosenberger's work in certain panels, so we'll go with them as the illustrators.
The writer, though, is unknown.
Next Week:
We Continue with Stories Combining School and Sex!
And Yes, You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor...
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Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane
Volume 1: Super Crush

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Asian Amour JON JUAN "World's Greatest Lover"

The guy who co-created Superman and Lois Lane...
...has some rather "old fashioned" ideas about love and romance as illustrated by Alex Schomburg for Toby's Jon Juan #1 (1950)
Is it just me, or does anyone else need a shower to feel clean after reading this?
To be fair, Jon Juan is an equal-opportunity misogynist, whether the woman is European, African, or Asian/Pacific Islander!
"I'll give her Smile Number Three...the one I reserve for emergencies! It never fails!"
"Can I help it if their neglected women cast lovelorn glances in my direction? Can I be blamed if my nimble tongue sought out the proper words to solace thwarted femininity?"
Women are foolish and easily manipulated, according to this story.
"Like a thousand women before her...and a thousands yet to come...she surrendered!"
Note that in this origin tale, Jon wears Superman's color scheme!
Do you want to see the rest of Jon's extemely-brief run?
Post your response in the comments...
Next Week:
We don't know yet what we'll present, but we can guarantee...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

JON JUAN "World's Greatest Lover"

As promised, here's Jerry Siegel's concept of a romantic leading man... illustrated by Alex Schomburg for Toby's Jon Juan #1 (1950)
Is it just me, or does anyone else need a shower to help themselves feel clean after reading this?
"I'll give her Smile Number Three...the one I reserve for emergencies! It never fails!"
"Can I help it if their neglected women cast lovelorn glances in my direction? Can I be blamed if my nimble tongue sought out the proper words to solace thwarted femininity?"
Women are foolish and easily manipulated, according to this story.
"Like a thousand women before her...and a thousands yet to come...she surrendered!"
Note that in the origin tale, Jon wears Superman's color scheme!
Do you want to see the rest of Jon's extemely-brief run?
Post your response in the comments...
Next Week:
We don't know yet what we'll present, but we can guarantee...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Agonizing Love

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Co-Creator of Superman Presents the World's Greatest Lover...JON JUAN!

Yeah, I know it's hard to believe...
...but the guy who co-created the most dysfunctional male-female relationship in fiction (Superman/Lois Lane/Clark Kent) thought he knew how to write a romance comic!
Does Jerry know how to write a romance comic?
Note: the cover artist is the guy who illustrated the interior pages, Alex Schomburg, using the pen-name "Al Reid" for this and the title page, the only time he ever used that particular alias!
Next Week:
Be here for the origin story (yes, an origin story) of "immortal superlover" Jon Juan!
And we can guarantee...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Agonizing Love