Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Super-Love DAREDEVIL AND THE BLACK WIDOW "Mark of Hawkeye!" Part 1

If you know Marvel Comics history, the title above should tip you off as to what's about to happen...
If not, let's just say almost everyone's nightmare is about to occur... Natasha (Black Widow) Romanova's current romantic partner meets her ex-romantic partner...who wants to rekindle the flames of love!
And on that sullen note, we bid adieu until...
You'll Cry Your Eyes out if You Miss It!
Written by Steve (Howard the Duck) Gerber, penciled by Horror Age veteran Sam Kweskin (with some reworking by John Romita Sr), and inked by Golden Age/Silver Age great Syd Shores, this tale from Marvel's Daredevil and the Black Widow #99 (1973) was a break after several multi-issue plotlines which saw Matt (Daredevil) Murdock and Natasha become involved both professionally and romantically, move from NYC to San Francisco, and move in together into a rented mansion (on separate first).
The front-cover logo was modified to reflect the partnership, which lasted from #87 to #107, after which Daredevil returned to NYC, while the Black Widow remained on the West Coast and formed and lead The Champions!
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Thanx for telling us how you feel!