Thursday, August 15, 2024

Super-Love BRAVE AND THE BOLD "In the Coils of the CopperHead" Part 2

We Have Already Seen...

I'll let The Narrator fill you in on what's going on, since I find it, well, quite silly!
(But remember, it was 1968, the era of the Batman TV series...)

To Be Concluded...Tomorrow!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
Written by Bob Haney, penciled by Bob Brown, and inked by Mike Esposito, this story from DC's Brave and the Bold #78 (1968) shows a fascinating difference between DC and Marvel when it came to Super-Love.
As you saw in last week's Daredevil-Black Widow-Hawkeye triangle, the emotions were sincere and heartfelt...if a tad extreme and hyperbolic, much as most teens experience romance!
OTOH, DC's approach (at least in the superhero books) is to treat romance as yukky and inconvenient, with girls/women being total ditzes!
In contrast, both Marvel's and DC's romance books were remarkably-similar in approach and content!
Apparently, Marvel felt both the romance and superhero titles had a similarly-sophisticated audience, whereas DC believed the superhero books skewed younger than the romance titles!

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Thanx for telling us how you feel!