Thursday, August 22, 2024

Super-Love LOVE AND CAPES "Do You Want to Know a Secret?" Part 1A

We Have Already Seen...

Mild-mannered, slightly-klutzy, glasses-wearing accountant Mark is romantically-involved with bookstore owner Abby. whom he met when he did her financials!
A typical, perhaps even unremarkable, love story...except that Mark is also the multi-powered super-hero known as...The Crusader!
He has just revealed his secret identity to Abby, who after the initial shock wore off, seems to be taking it in stride...until she discovers he was previously-involved with his glamorous, scantily-clad super-teammate...whom he still works with!
It looks like we're off to a good start!

Next Week:
We End This Chapter of Super-Love with the Most Controversial Story about Clark Kent and Lois Lane Ever Published!
(And, It's by a Famous Sci-Fi Author!)
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Thanx for telling us how you feel!