Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Weird Halloween Romance NOT BRAND ECHH "Best Side Story"

What if the Silver Age Doctor Strange and Wonder Woman fell in love?
We'd probably have ended up with a serious version of this titanic tale!
Written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Tom Sutton, this comic company crossover classic was included in Marvel's Not Brand Echh! #6 (1968)...

...a romance-oriented issue that also included a look at how a Human Scorch (Human Torch)/Gristle (Crystal) marriage would work out, and Spidey-Man (do I haveta tell you?) marrying the unlikeliest character of all!
Spoiler Alert: Its' The Wasp!
Welcome to our annual Weird Halloween Romance Blogathon, this year tied in to the wild Countdown to Halloween 2019 Blogathon covering so many kool pop-culture blogs (including this one), it's scary!
Every post this month is cross-genre, whether its' superheroes (like this one), horror, fantasy, or sci-fi!
Be here every Wednesday for more "horrible" fun!
BTW, filming on the Stephen Spielberg-directed remake of West Side Story just wrapped!
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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

TENDER LOVE STORIES "I Wanted the World" Conclusion

Scheming, manipulative Crystal Larson has been bed-hopping (in a PG-13 manner) to move herself up the social and financial ladder...
This never-reprinted tale from Skywald's Tender Love Stories #2 (1971) shows that what's good for the goose is equally-good for the gander!
Next Week...
Our annual month-long look at Weird Romances...just in time for Halloween!
Yes, it's ROMANCE, but with a serious helping of...
You'll Cry If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

TENDER LOVE STORIES "I Wanted the World" Part 1

When most women describe themselves as "hard-working"...
...I don't think this is quite what they mean!
But then, Crystal Larson isn't planning to go though the whole "nose to the grindstone" routine...
Written by Gardner Fox and illustrated by Jack Katz (with some redrawing by Skywald's art director Ross Andru along with Mike Esposito, and Frank Giacoia), this never-reprinted tale from Tender Love Stories #2 (1971) shows a more 1940s-50s mindset than a tale written at the dawn of the Womens' Lib movement should!
BTW, our sincere thanks to the amazing Kracalactaka for the scans from this incredibly-hard to find comic!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

TEEN LOVE STORIES "Just Her Luck" Conclusion

..."Another Big Romantic Picture-Story That'll Make You Cry!"?
After purchasing the 2,000th copy of the 2,000th edition of "Escort Magazine"Marion Hill wins a unique prize...24 hours with one of England's most eligible bachelors, best-selling author and man-about-town Aubrey Baron!
Meeting with the handsome and debonair Baron and learning the entire day has been choreographed to provide photo opportunities for the magazine's photographers, Marion, despite being intensely attracted to the attractive writer, intended to remain calm, cool and collected.
That didn't last long, as Aubrey all but swept her off her feet during a day-long whirlwind of shopping and carousing, topped off with a romantic dinner!
The date was everything Marion could dream of...until midnight, when Aubrey suddenly announced the 24 hours were up, and went from warm and affectionate to cold and aloof!

This tale appeared in the second issue of the short-lived 1960s magazine Teen Love Stories (not a comic book, as explained HERE) and was a reprint of a British romance strip that first appeared in Fleetway's Love Story Picture Library #584 (1966).
Of all the ongoing Warren Publishing b/w periodicals (including CreepyVampirella, and 1984), Teen Love Stories was the shortest-lived at only three issues, all of which are very hard-to-find!
Next week:
We haven't decided yet what it'll be, but we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)
And now a word from our sponsor...

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

TEEN LOVE STORIES "Just Her Luck" Part 4

...after purchasing the 2,000th copy of the 2,000th edition of "Escort Magazine"Marion Hill wins a unique prize...24 hours with one of England's most eligible bachelors, best-selling author and man-about-town Aubrey Baron!
Meeting with the handsome and debonair Baron and learning the entire day has been choreographed to provide photo opportunities for the magazine's photographers, Marion, despite being intensely attracted to the attractive writer, intends to remain calm, cool and collected.
After the couple goes shopping for Marion's wardrobe, Baron ditches the magazine's entourage and they settle in for a private lunch...
Why has the warm and affectionate Baron turned cold?
The answer will surprise you!
Next week:
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)
This tale appeared in the second issue of the short-lived 1960s magazine Teen Love Stories (not a comic book, as explained HERE) and was a reprint of a British romance strip that first appeared in Fleetway's Love Story Picture Library #584 (1966).
It was reprinted (translated into French) and re-titled "24 Hours of Happiness" in Aredit-Artima's Calypso #34 (1970), whose cover art is our lead image at the top of this post!
Of all the ongoing Warren Publishing b/w periodicals (including CreepyVampirella, and 1984), Teen Love Stories was the shortest-lived at only three issues, all of which are very hard-to-find!

And now a word from our sponsor...
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