Showing posts with label comic books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comic books. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Amourous Education CAMPUS ROMANCES "Love was My College Major"

It's time for your lesson in love...
...from a writer who takes the "book" part of "comic book" to the extreme!
Considering letterers have always been among the poorest-paid of the various contributors to comics, I wouldn't be surprised if whoever did this job said "The hell with it! I'd rather dig ditches. It'll be easier!" after finishing the assignment.
The art for this tale from Avon's Campus Romances #2 (1949) by Manny Stallman and John Guinta tries to compete with the text, but some panels look like the illustration was just an afterthought.
The script, by an author whose name is lost in the mists of history, reads like a radio soap opera, with an incredible amount of "internal monologue" by Karen.
Next week:
We haven't decided yet what it'll be, but we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)
And now a word from out sponsor..
 featuring the cover from the issue of Campus Romances this story is taken from!

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Amorous Education CAMPUS LOVES "My Shameless Deception"

Think the catty schemers of The CW and FreeForm are innovative?
...well, such machinations were a common plot element when your parents (or even grandparents) were in class and the school paper was the Internet of it's time!
Ripped from the pages of Quality's Campus Loves #4 (1949), this tale of truth and tattletales doesn't have any credits and even the experts at the Grand Comics Database are stumped as to the identities of the writer and artist!
Interestingly, when it was reprinted only a year or so later in Quality's Love Experiences #12 (1951), there were some weird, almost arbitrary changes made, starting with the title and opening caption...
...and minor changes to backgounds, as seen here, but no other text or art changes censoring women's clothing as seen HERE!
Next Week:
We Continue with Stories Combining School and Sex!
And Yes, You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor...
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Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane
Volume 1: Super Crush

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


We considered putting this one under the "Amorous Education" header...

...but school isn't a major plot point in this never-reprinted tale from DC's Love Stories #148 (1973)!
Sometimes there are just no words...nor in this case, oddly, any credits!

 Next Week:
We don't know what we'll publish...yet!
But, You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

LOVELORN "My Heart Went Astray!"

It's amazing how few Christmas-themed American romance comic stories there are... we're going with this tale of greed and vanity set during a winter vacation!
(Hey, I'm working on finding more Yuletide romances!)
So, everything works out hunky-dory...except for poor Fallon!
Poor guy just can't catch a break...
This never-reprinted tale of love (of money) appeared in ACG's LoveLorn #4 (1950) and is typical of the era with its' "woman who must be shown the error of her ways before she can find true love" plotline.
Though both the writer and artist are unknown, it's fair to guess that Editor Richard E Hughes plotted and/or scripted the tale.
Next week:
We DO Know What We'll Present!
A Christmas-Themed Romance Tale!

And, We Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from out sponsor..
Support True Love Comics Tales
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Romance Without Tears
featuring comics stories written by Dana Dutch! 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

COOKIE "Do Your Christmas Shopping Early"

How do you make some extra cash for Christmas?
If you're a teenager named "Cookie", it's usually the hard way...
I've found almost NO Christmas-specific romance comic stories!
Heck, I had to go through a stack of British comics to find last-year's tale (click HERE)
So I went with this teen humor strip from Cookie #10 (1947), written and illustrated by Dan Gordon, who was a writer-animator-director for the Fleischer Studios (Superman, Popeye), then went into comics, finally returning to animation at Hanna-Barbera where he co-created (among others) The Flintstones!
Note: Archie Comics has a huge number of Christmas-themed stories featuring Archie and Betty & Veronica!
I'm looking to find a couple of the earliest ones that would still be Public Domain to use here!
Wish me luck!
Next Week:
We don't know what we'll publish...yet!
But, You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Amorous Education MEET MISS BLISS "Hello"

Not every romance comic story set in school involved student/student or even student/teacher "interaction"... at least one series, it was teacher/teacher "relationships"!
Written by Stan Lee and illustrated by Al Hartley, this never-reprinted intro tale from Atlas' Meet Miss Bliss (1955) was ripped-off...I mean derived...from the then-popular CBS radio and TV series Our Miss Brooks!
Note: In the 1950s, it wasn't unusual for a series to begin as a radio show, then carry over to the then-new medium of television, sometimes running in both formats simultaneously as this series did!
It was popular enough to warrant a b-movie with the tv show cast (done as the series ended it's run) which tied up the show's plotlines ending with Miss Brooks and Mr Boynton engaged!
There was a one-shot Our Miss Brooks comic from Dell (the biggest producer of radio/movie/tv tie-in comics), but, for whatever reason, it didn't lead to an ongoing series!
As you can see from this intro page to the Our Miss Brooks comic, Miss Bliss followed the format and characters of Miss Brooks almost to a "T", with one major exception...Miss Brooks chased after hunky teacher Mr Boynton, while Miss Bliss was chased by hunky teacher Mr Grant!
The comic played the romance humorously, much like other teen humor books.
Meet Miss Bliss lasted only four issues, then Miss Bliss became a supporting character in the better-selling Patsy and Hedy comic book!

Next Week:
We Continue with Stories Combining School and Sex!
And Yes, You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor...
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Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane
Volume 1: Super Crush