Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Here's a never-published (in America), book-length Christmas story that reads and feels... a Hallmark Channel Christmas movie, even though it was done decades ago!
What is it about Chris Brewster that we should know...but don't?
For Christmas this year, we're doing things a little differently.
Instead of a bunch of unrelated Christmas/winter season tales, we're presenting a movie-length "graphic novel" from England.
Sadly, the writer-artist credits for this story from IPC's Love Story Picture Library 1031 (1973) are unknown.
BTW, this title ran over 1600 issues by doing a half-dozen issues per month covering everything from holiday tales, to period pieces involving swashbuckers, to wartime sagas to contemporary stories!
They were as popular among British teen and young adult girls as Harlequin Romances were among Americans!

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