Wednesday, November 6, 2013

HARVEY "Harvey and Duke"

How close can you come to doing an Archie "imitator" without being sued?
...ask comics legend Stan Lee, who tried it...twice...and failed both times!
Stan "the Man" Lee will forever be enshrined in comics history as the co-creator of an astounding number of popular, long-running characters.
But Harvey wasn't one of them.
Despite taking all the established Archie tropes, reworking them slightly by making Harvey the "new kid in town", and adding Stan Goldberg's extremely Dan DeCarlo-esque art, Harvey was gone after only six issues from 1970-72!
At least it lasted longer than Stan's previous Archie clone, Homer Hooper, which went bye-bye after only four issues.
Next week:
The return of Tiffany Sinn: the "CIA Sweetheart" in a titanic tale of triumph and tragedy!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)

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Thanx for telling us how you feel!