Wednesday, June 26, 2024

SUMMER LOVE "Overboard"

It's the end of June, so let's go into full "summer vacation" mode...
...with a never-reprinted story from Charlton's Summer Love #47 (1966)!
Written by Joe Gill, penciled by Hal Grauer, and inked by Vince Colletta.
Next Week:
We're Getting You Ready for the Long 4th of July Weekend with our Annual Book-Length Gothic "Beach Read" Novel...
(and it's never been reprinted since publication over half a century ago!)
Five Chapters, Published Daily!
And, we proudly guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

WARTIME ROMANCES "Lovelife of an Army Nurse"

It is said that "All is fair in love and war"... this nurse learns the hard way in a story from St John's Wartime Romances #1 (1951)!
Penciled by legendary "good girl" artist Mat Baker and inked by Ray Osirin, this tale of combat and cattiness was typical of the more adult approach that St John's creatives took in their various romance titles.
Next Week:
We Don't Yet Know What We'll Present, But We Guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor!
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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

In Space No One Can Hear You Smooch AMAZING ADVENTURES "Asteroid Witch"

Comic book romance stories are geared towards 'tween/teen/young adult females...
Art by Clinton Spooner
...which make you wonder what the 'tween/teen/young adult male attitude on romance is.
This never-reprinted story from Ziff-Davis' Amazing Adventures #1 (1950) offers that viewpoint.
And what have we learned today?
Women, alien or not, are scheming little trollops, plotting to control helpless men, usually by tricking them into marriage.
No wonder there's so much misogyny in America...
While the writer for this story is unknown (but believed to be editor Jerry [Superman] Siegel), the art is by Murphy Anderson, who did a lot of work for Ziff-Davis Comics before moving on to illustrate the Buck Rogers newspaper strip!
Next Week:
We're Not Yet Sure What We'll Present!
But We Guarantee...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out of You Miss It!

And Now a Word from Our Sponsor...
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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Newsroom Nookie DARING CONFESSIONS "Scandal Sheet"

 Imagine, a tabloid that purchases stories involving famous/important people...
...then keeps them from being published and embarrassing the famous/important people!
Such "catch and kill" schemes couldn't actually happen, right?

This never-reprinted story from Youthful's Daring Confessions #4 (1951) can't seem to decide what its' plotting priorities are!
Is it a love story...or a tale of hard-hitting journalists working together...or both?
You decide!

Next Week:
We Have No Idea What We're Going to Run...Yet!
But We Guarantee...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

WE Hated Men! SAVAGE TALES "Fury of the Femizons"

You'd think nothing says "I Hated Men!" like a woman running a sword through a man's heart...
...except in the case presented in this Women's Lib-era story from the b/w magazine Savage Tales #1 (1971)!
(Was it really over a half-century ago?
Lord, I feel so old...)

Written by Stan Lee and illustrated by John Romita, Sr,  this tale had an unusual genesis, as detailed on the editorial page by editor Roy Thomas...

Women's liberation.
It's all around us, be we male or female.
marches, intellectual treatises, picketing, bra-burning, some four-letter forensics, and more burnings–not always of bras.
"Women are the equals of men every day, in every way!'
Men are beginning to believe it.
Women always knew it.
So what happens if maybe we come the full circle in, say the next hundred years or so?
What if women turn the rascals out–and we do mean out!
What would we have then?
A better world? Perhaps.
A gentler world? Could be.
different world? Believe it.
Stan Lee got to wondering-and, by and by, he set imaginative artist Johnny Romita to wondering along with him.
The result is, perhaps, something just a wee bit new under the sun.
Not quite sword-and-sorcery–certainly not science-fiction–and not exactly a political polemic.
Robin Morgan clobbers Buck Rogers in the 25th century!
Kate Millett zaps both Flash Gordon and Ming the Merciless–then takes over Mongo for good measure!
The hand that rocks the cradle really rules the world!
Next Week:
In June, We Return to Our Original Format of Posting Whatever Catches Our Fancy!
And We Can Guarantee...
...You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!