Thursday, August 5, 2021

Beach Read TO WED THE DEVIL Chapter 4 "Time for Revelation"

When last We Left Our Imperiled Heroine...

Sent to Bohemia to wed wealthy Baron Luther Dumont so that he will replace the bank funds lost by her father's incompetence, comely ingenue Sarah Shulman and her servant are waylaid en route by highwaymen who kill the servant and coach driver.
About to face death...or worse...Sarah is rescued by a dashing young man whose deadly aim disposes of both the brigands...
Has studly Justin lost the beauteous Sarah forever to Baron Dumont...and SATAN???
Are there any other secrets yet to be revealed?
(Hint: Don't get too attached to her cat, Tabbeta!)

The only way you'll find out is if you're back here...
And now a word from our sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales
Visit Amazon and Order...
Secrets of Sinister House
...which reprints the four issues of Sinister House of Secret Love (including this one), but in black and white!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Beach Read TO WED THE DEVIL Chapter 3 "Interrupted Journey"

When We Left Our Heroine...

...comely ingenue Sarah Shulman, who desperately loves handsome (but poor) Justin, is being compelled by her father to marry wealthy Baron Dumont, so the Baron will cover the losses at the elder Shulman's bank apparently caused by his incompetence, thereby saving her pater from humiliation and prison...
...or is she?
The only way you'll find out is if you're back here...

Please Support True Love Comics Tales
Visit Amazon and Order...

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Beach Read TO WED THE DEVIL Chapter 2 "Shattered Dreams"

Comely Sarah Shulman is concerned elderly crone Agatha seems to hold sway over both her father and Uncle Samuel, despite being merely a servant...or is she something more?
Will Sarah lose her One True Love to save her father from humiliation and imprisonment?
Will Baron Dumont be old and fat or young and dashing?
And what about mysterious old crone Agatha?
The only way you'll find out is if you're back here...
And now a word from our sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales
Visit Amazon and Order...
...which reprints the five issues of Sinister House of Secret Love (including this one), but in black and white!

Monday, August 2, 2021

Beach Read TO WED THE DEVIL Chapter 1

One of our most popular events is this annual presentation of a book-length gothic novel... this one, unseen in color since its' initial publication in 1971!
Sit back and enjoy...
What power does the old crone have over Sarah's father and uncle?
Or is Sarah just being paranoid?
There's more here than meets the eye!
But the only way you'll find out is if you're back here...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales
Visit Amazon and Order...

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

MY LOVE "Must I Live Without Love?"

We saw last week how wonderfully legendary artist John Buscema portrayed women in swimsuits... here's a cover that takes a scene occurring (in the story) during the chilly Autumn and turns it into a hot Summer pic...
When this story by writer Stan Lee, penciler John Buscema, and inker Sal Buscema (yes, John's little brother, who's an equally-gifted penciler) initially-appeared in Marvel's My Love V2N1 (1969), it wasn't the cover-featured tale.
But, when it was reprinted in Marvel's My Love Special #1 (1971), a new cover, based on the last panel of Page 6, was commissioned.
Guess they felt a bare-chested guy and bikini-clad girl would sell better than the sweater-clad couple in the story...
Next week:
Be here Monday as we begin our annual Beach Read blogathon featuring a book-length, multi-chapter Gothic romance!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from out sponsor..
Marvel's picked some of the best love comics from the 60s and 70s!
"It Happened at Woodstock," "My Heart Broke in Hollywood," "Love on the Rebound!"
Collects Love Romance #89 and #101-104; My Love #2, #14, #16 and #18-20; Teen-Age Romance #77 and #84, Our Love Story #5; and Patsy Walker #119.