Wednesday, April 28, 2021


You think today's 18-30 crowd has problems "adulting"?
It ain't a new phenomenon, as this never-reprinted tale from Hillman's Mr Anthony's Love Clinic #1 (1949) proves!
You may well ask: "Who the hell is this Dr Phil wannabe?
To start with, he wasn't actually "John J Anthony".
His name was Lester Kroll.
He wasn't a doctor,...or even a licensed therapist!
In fact, he was a high school dropout!
But he had a great voice, so he became a radio disc jockey!
He suffered clinical depression and sought out therapy...which gave him an idea.
Utilizing his sons' names (John and Anthony) he created the persona of "John J Anthony" and his show dropped the music format, creating what many historians consider the first interactive "talk radio" show!
If you're wondering why people accepted him without question as an authority on such things, he claimed he was the director of the Institute of Martial Relations on the campus of Vassar College...then a women-only university!
His top-rated radio show became the basis for a licensed romance comic from Hillman in 1949.
But the show's name (Good Will Hour, then The John J Anthony Hour, wasn't dramatic enough!
So the comic was given the catchier title Mr Anthony's Love Clinic!
The comic seems to have been based on actual situations drawn from episodes of the radio show, but since so few of them survived to the present in any form, there's really no way of knowing!
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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

"This is Your Chance to Be a Part of Today's Romance Scene!"

In the early 1970s, after decades of success, romance comics were a dying genre...

...some publishers tried gimmicks, like this one from DC's Love Stories #151 (1973), to boost sales!
For anyone who's ever read or watched something and said "I could do better than that crud", this was, no doubt, a tempting prospect!
Just come up with a couple of lines of dialogue, complete this cover by penciler Werner Roth and inker Vince Colletta, and you'd be immortalized in comic history (and pocket a sawbuck), all for the cost of a postage stamp!
Wonder what the winning balloons said?
We'll never know, because the book was cancelled with the next issue, #152, and the winner would've appeared in #153!

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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

GREAT LOVES "Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning"

Ever wonder if writers of romantic fiction were, themselves, happy...
 ...if they actually found True Love, or just wrote about it?
Well, wonder no more!
Written and illustrated by Jerry Robinson (who co-created both The Joker and Robin the Boy Wonder), this brief, never-reprinted tale from Gold Key's Dear Nancy Parker #1 (1963) was the first in a projected series about famous real-life lovers.
Unfortunately, Dear Nancy Parker was cancelled after the second issue...
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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

A MOON, A GIRL...ROMANCE! "I Was a Flirt!"

Before EC Comics became (in)famous for doing horror comics...
...they covered every genre in comics, including romance!
They just didn't do all of them as well as horror...
Illustrated by "Ghastly" Graham Ingels, this tawdry tale from EC's A Moon, A Girl...Romance #9 (1949) is, perhaps, the perfect example of why EC is not known for its' romance comics.
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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

DARLING LOVE "Second Hand Love"

This is not an early April Fools joke!
Did you know Archie Comics once published romance comics?
No, not like this!
Like this...
and this!
Like almost all comics publishers at the end of World War II, Archie (then MLJ Magazines) experienced a major drop in sales as action-oriented comics (and super-heroes in particular) fell out of favor with readers.
Luckily, one of their other characters, Archie (along with his supporting cast), proved extremely-popular, and quickly replaced the super-heroes in various titles like Pep Comics and Top-Notch Laugh Comics (which became Laugh Comics) as well as new solo titles for Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead and others.
In fact, the company was renamed Archie Comics in 1946!
But that didn't mean the company had abandoned non-Archie concepts!
Due to sales generated in 1949 by then-new romance titles like Young Love, Archie jumped into the brand-new (to comics) teen and young adult women with two titles, Darling Love and Darling Romance published under the Darling Magazines imprint!
Though most of the tales were of the usual breathless "true love" type, a few were stories surprisingly-mature (more in the vein of soap operas), such as this never-reprinted one from Darling Love #8 (1951)...

Illustrated by Harry Lucey (who was also one of the primary Archie artists at the time), the subjects include "older man/younger woman", "widower with child remarrying", and "inadvertent motherhood" 
The two comics were bi-monthly on alternating months and lasted only two years (1949-1951) before being forced out by a glut of romance comics flooding the newsstands as every other publisher entered the compeetition.
Neither series has ever been reprinted!
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