Friday, July 5, 2024

Beach Read THEY ALL CAME TO DIE! "Chapter 5...An End to Madness"

It Has All Lead Up to This...

...and the question is, who will Judith chose (although the pool of potential choices seems minimal) presuming she even survives...
Didn't see that coming, did you?
Next Week:
We Haven't Yet Decided What We'll Present.
But We Do Guarantee...
(Say it with us)
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!

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...which reprints the four issues of Sinister House of Secret Love, this book's sister gothic romance title, but in black and white!
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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Beach Read THEY ALL CAME TO DIE! "Chapter 4...Search for a Killer"

...ironically, the two who knew each other before being drawn to this isolated house, a married couple serving as the caretakers!
The remaining four, initially strangers to each other, are still in danger from one among their group who is, in fact, the murderer!
But who???
We we did yesterday..."Is Frank, the man Judith is falling for, the murderer?
All will be revealed in the conclusion...
One Hint: All is Not as it Appears to Be!
And, as usual, we promise...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!!!

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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Beach Read THEY ALL CAME TO DIE! "Chapter 3...Murder Strikes Again"

We Have Already Seen...

...a group of six people, brought to a remote island by an unseen rich recluse are all accused of being murderers!
Ironically, one of them has been murdered, and Judith Freemont may be next...
Is Frank, the man Judith is falling for...the murderer?
Be Here Tomorrow, When We Might...or Might Not...Find Out!
Either Way...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our Sponsor...

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Beach Read THEY ALL CAME TO DIE! "Chapter 2...Death Plays Host"

When Last We Left Our Heroine...

Judith Freemont and three other people are invited to a remote island by rich recluse John Ames.
When they arrive, Ames is nowhere to be found, and only a caretaker and his wife are there.
At dinner, the guests' place settings all include notes accusing each of them of...murder!
Plus, it turns out that the caretaker couple are also accused, but unindicted, murderers as well!
One of the guests, reporter Frank Morton, takes serious interest in Judith, expressing concern for her well-being and kissing her before the guests all go to bed (in their own bedrooms)!
Then, as often happens in these tales, there's a scream and someone wakes up dead...
You'd think Judith would learn, since every time she kisses Frank, someone dies!
To Be Continued...TOMORROW!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
This never-reprinted story by writer Jack Oleck and artist Don Heck from DC's Forbidden Tales of Dark Mansion #5 (1972).

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Beach Read THEY ALL CAME TO DIE! "Chapter One...Trapped!"

What's better than reading a gothic romance graphic novel on a beach blanket on a summer day?
So stretch out on the aforementioned blanket (or oversized towel or chaise lounge), with a cold drink at your side, under an umbrella...and enjoy!
To Be Continued...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
This never-reprinted story by writer Jack Oleck and artist Don Heck from DC's Forbidden Tales of Dark Mansion #5 (1972)...
...was the last gasp of the company's attempt at gothic romance.
In fact, the book itself was originally titled Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love, but the title was altered as the book's format changed from Gothic romance to horror stories!
The "sister" Gothic romance comic Sinister House of Secret Love had already become the horror comic Secrets of Sinister House!
But this book-length story had already been completed, so the decision was made to use it, but under the new title.
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...which reprints the four issues of Sinister House of Secret Love, this book's sister gothic romance title, but in black and white!
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