Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Advice d'Amour LOVE STORIES OF MARY WORTH "Her Selfish Love!" Part 1

Winding up this month's theme is the ultimate comics busybody...
...the four-color embodiment of the little old lady who lives next door and has an opinion about everything!
We now take a pause, dear reader!
But we're not going to make you wait until next week, because you'll see the heart-rending conclusion...
(And, Yes, You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!)
Despite the caption in the splash panel talking about "actual case files" and "famous newspaper love advisor", Mary Worth was never used as a pseudonym for an actual columnist like "Beatrice Fairfax".
But the character (and her tendency to meddle in romance) was so well-known in 1930s and 40s pop culture, that it seemed like she probably did have a non-comics feature in newspapers!
And the book's title is somewhat misleading, since the tales have nothing to do with Mary's personal life!
It's about the people around her, most of whom only appear in a given plotline, then disappear, never to return!
BTW, the book (like almost all non-newspaper appearances of the character) reprints daily and Sunday newspaper strips.
Only the cover and splash page are new illustrations!
The book crams a plotline that ran for two to three months into a single issue!
So, instead of the usual three rows of panels (or fewer if you have half-page or full page panels), it's four rows of dialogue-heavy panels!
But if you're a soap opera fan, the strip is a true visual embodiment of the genre!
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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Advice d'Amour MR ANTHONY'S LOVE CLINIC "That's Why I Cry--"

...when he offered advice on his top-rated radio talk show!
Now, he even offers advice while wandering through the park!
Illustrated by John Prentice, this never-reprinted story from Hillman's Mr Anthony's Love Clinic #5 (1950) is something of a moralistic downer.
It's definitely not the typical upbeat happy ending we're used to seeing!

Next Week...
Our Final Busybody Who Believes He/She Knows What's Best for Our Love Lives!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Advice d'Amour DEAR BEATRICE FAIRFAX "Heck of a Thing for a Man to be Doing!"

Before Dear Abby...
Before Ann Landers...
(and I'll bet no reader under 40 knows who they are!)...

Cover by Alex Schomburg
...she was the original "Miss Lonely Hearts" newspaper columnist!
From 1898...
The column's popularity resulted in a radio show, an action-packed silent movie serial where "Beatrice" herself intervened personally in matters both romantic and criminal (Girls have always loved "bad boys"!), and this short-lived 1950-51 comic which dramatized some of her columns!
Now on with today's never-reprinted tale from Standard's Dear Beatrice Fairfax #5 (1950)!
Don't ya just love a happy ending?
Though the scripter (who may have been a King Features Syndicate writer assigned to the project) is unknown, the artist was Vernon Greene, whose work we've already seen HERE.
Next Week:
Another Story Hosted by Someone Who Believes He/She is Qualified to Solve Other People's Problems!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Well, when he received his own comic, it inspired at least one publisher to put out an imitator!
Note that, though the cover reads "Hollywood Love Doctor", the feature itself is called "Hollywood Psychiatrist"!
(Perhaps the publisher thought putting "psychiatrist" on the cover would scare away readers!)
This never-reprinted tale of body-shaming from Toby's Dr Anthony King: Hollywood Love Doctor #1 (1952) was illustrated by Myron Fass.
The writer's name is lost to the mists of time.
As you might have guessed, this month's theme is "comics about busybodies who offer advice to those in romantic distress"...whether they are qualified to do so or not!
The participants range from medical personnel to quacks to newspaper columnists to the little old lady who lives next door!
Though almost every romance comic had such a feature, we're dealing specifically with those characters who actually had their own comics (and there were more of them than you think)!

Next Week:
Another Story Hosted by Someone Who Believes He/She is Qualified to Solve Other People's Problems!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Romance on the Range ADVENTURES IN ROMANCE "Stopgap: the Saga of Coby Nash"

Though not strictly a "Western romance" title......St John's anthology Adventures in Romance was an attempt to mix several genres with romance...including high adventure, swashbuckling pirates, and, as you'll see, attract both male and female readers!

Despite running romance strips in almost every genre (except horror and sci-fi), the book only lasted two issues.
Illustrator Leonard Starr spent a decade in comics before moving on to newspaper comic strips, first as an assistant on Flash Gordon, then as the creator/writer/artist of the long-running Mary Perkins: on Stage!
He's best known to contemporary audiences as the creator/writer/designer of the animated TV series ThunderCats!

Next Week:
We're Not Yet Sure What We'll Present!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!

And now a word from out sponsor..
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