Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wedding Bliss & Super-Love ACTION COMICS "Superman Takes a Wife"

For decades it was a cliche that Lois Lane tried to rope reluctant bachelor Superman into wedlock...

...usually through deceit and trickery, as you see from the cover above!
She finally succeeded in 1996!

Yes, I'm sure you know about when Lois Lane and Clark Kent wed!
(After all, it was "The Event of the Century!")
The mainstream press covered it extensively, and DC held events at comic shops and conventions celebrating it with multiple tie-ins!

Also note, she married Clark Kent...not Superman!
(and yes, there is a difference!)
But, most people forgot that Lois had already married Clark...and Superman...and it was officially-part of DC Multiverse continuity from when it happened in 1978 until the Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1985!

That's the story we're going to tell tomorrow and Friday!
Not a Dream!
Not a Hoax!
Not an Imaginary Story!
Be Here Tomorrow!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Super-Love MIGHTY THOR "To Become an Immortal!" Conclusion

...Thor has brought his mortal love, Jane Foster, to Asgard to "meet the family" and get All-Father Odin's approval for marriage!
However, things are not going as well as hoped...

Though the romance between Jane and Thor ended at this point, it wasn't truly over (as explained HERE)!
Eventually, Jane became the Goddess of Thunder by wielding Mjonir!
But before that momentous event occurred in the Marvel Universe, it happened in an "imaginary story" that was never part of official Marvel history...though it was published by Marvel!
You can see that story HERE!
Next Week:
Another super-romance (with a wedding) featuring the most famous couple in comic book history!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Super-Love MIGHTY THOR "To Become an Immortal!" Part 1

From Mighty Thor's introduction in Marvel's Journey into Mystery #83 (1962)... of the ongoing plotlines was Dr Don Blake aka Thor's love for Nurse Jane Foster.

It was a classic case of unrequited love, complicated by the fact that Thor's father (Odin, ruler of the Norse gods) disapproved of the romance, believing the mortal woman was "unworthy" of his immortal son!
Thor eventually revealed his secret to Jane, and, in Marvel's Mighty Thor #136 (1966), brought her to Asgard to meet the family...
This certainly takes meeting the prospective in-laws to a new level of stress!

Only in Theaters
This Weekend!

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Wedding Bliss AGONIZING LOVE & "Hurry Up Marriage!"

This absolutely wonderful trade paperback about romance comics...

... features a crying bride on the cover from a cover illustrated by the legendary Jack Kirby from the groundbreaking comic he co-created with Joe Simon, Young Romance!
But here's the kicker...there's no story inside to go with the cover!
Simon and Kirby often would do a cover concept first, then do a story based on it!
Sometimes they'd come up with a cover idea...but then couldn't expand it into a tale they were creatively-satisfied with!
But, the cover was pretty good, and they didn't want it to go to waste, so they'd use it anyway!
This situation existed with all three of the Simon & Kirby Prize Comics romance titles; Young Romance, Young Love, and Young Brides!
Here's another cover involving a bride and groom that didn't have a story attached...
Here's a generic one that could've been (and was) used on any of the series...
And here's one that did have a related story in the issue...
BTW, note the differences, including the fact there's no gruff Old West-style sheriff in the tale below!
Cover art is by John Prentice, and the story art is by Bob McCarty, both working from Jack Kirby layouts!
Next Week...
We return to Super-Love with a special look at the soap opera-style Mighty Thor/Jane Foster romance!
And, We Can Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wedding Bliss STORIES OF ROMANCE "A Man to Marry"

They look like the perfect couple, don't they?

Wait until the end of this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Stories of Romance #12 (1957), dear reader!
Didn't see that one coming, did you?
The scripter is unknown, the inker is Vince Colletta, and the unknown ghost-penciler appears to be Joe Sinnott!

Next Week...
We Do Know What We'll Present!
And, We Can Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
(Read the ad below and you'll see what it is!)

And Now a Word from Our Sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales
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Agonizing Love
The Golden Age of Romance Comics
(Next week, we're presenting the comic cover that illustration is taken from!)