Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Amorous Education HI-SCHOOL ROMANCE: How "Shame" Became "Sham"

Here's a cover-featured tale from the 1950s about teen pregnancy...

Illustrated by Bob Powell and scripted by an unknown writer, this tale from Harvey's Hi-School Romance #24 (1953) reflects the conservative/Repug mindset...unless Marge is their daughter, of course!
But, that's not the end of it!
Due to the Republican-created "Seduction of the Innocent" mania of the 1950s, the comic book industry created a self censorship-board, The Comics Code Authority, to avoid government censorship!
When this story was reprinted in Harvey's Hi-School Romance #52 (1956), it was extensively-modified in both story and art, beginning with the title, re-setting the venue from high school to college, and extending skirt lengths (which were scandalously-short in the original)...
...and making Alan far less of a sleazy wimp than he was in the original story!
Here's where the changes become really interesting...a certain inconvenient matter has suddenly disappeared!
And a spanking-new happy ending!
It's the Republican vision of America in 1956...I mean 2022!
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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Amorous Education JETTA OF THE 21st CENTURY "Act Your Age!"

The more things change, the more they stay the same... this tale of 21st Century teen-agers from 1953 proves!
I'm positive writer/penciler Dan DeCarlo re-used this concept for an Archie story using Dilton Dooley as the creator of the aging/de-aging device!
know I've seen a story with younger versions of Principal Weatherbee and Miss Grundy almost becoming a couple, before reverting to their present-day older selves.
Anybody know what my failing memory vaguely recalls?
It's a shame this was from the final issue of Standard's Jetta of the 21st Century (#7 in 1953).
(Despite that issue number, there were only three issues, #s 5 to 7!)
Guess the concept was too "far out" for early 1950s readers!

BTW, we'd like to extend our thanks to the amazing Kracalactaka, heroic and voluminous contributor to both the Digital Comic Museum and ComicBookPlus, for these Jetta scans!
It's people like him who assure that comic book art will be appreciated for generations to come!
Next week:
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You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Dan DeCarlo's Jetta

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Amorous Education WARTIME ROMANCE "I Tried to Burn the Candle at Both Ends!"

Though it appeared in Wartime Romances...
...this story has nothing to do with anything even vaguely-military related!
Written by Dana Dutch and illustrated by Matt Baker, this story from St John's Wartime Romances #1 (1951), like all the tales in the issue, was a reprint (but all were retitled from their original publication)!
In fact, this one was originally called "I Should Have Played Hard-to-Get!" when it ran in St John's Blue Ribbon Comics: Teen-Age Diary Secrets #4 (1949)...where it was the cover feature!
With the Korean War under way, the editors thought a romance title based on how war affects male-female relationships might be a hot seller!
But they could only find two military-themed stories in their inventory, so they lead with those tales and used other, non military-related tales to fill out the issue!
With #2, they started running new material commissioned specifically for the book, which ran 18 issues through 1953, outlasting the war!
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Matt Baker
Art of Glamour

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Amorous Education HI-SCHOOL ROMANCE "He Melted My Heart"

With all the talk about transsexuals participating and dominating in womens' sports...
...what about women who could kick mens' asses in sport?
She obviously let him win in this never-reprinted tale illustrated by Bob Powell from Harvey's Hi-School Romance #1 (1949)!

Next week:
We haven't decided yet what it'll be, but we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)
And now a word from out sponsor..

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Amorous Education TEEN-AGE DIARY SECRETS "I Was Tired of BEING GOOD..."

 How can you resist a tale with a titillating title like that?

Plus the art is by legendary good girl artist Matt Baker!!!
The writer of this never-reprinted tale from St John's Teen-Age Diary Stories #4 (1949) is unknown, though it's suspected to be Dana Dutch.
BTW, this particular issue was actually a magazine, featuring both fiction and non-fiction text features (with b/w illustrations) and a color comics section with three stories, including this one.
For whatever reason, the later issues of the title were standard comic-book size and format.
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