Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Amorous Education MEET MISS BLISS "Hello"

Not every romance comic story set in school involved student/student or even student/teacher "interaction"... at least one series, it was teacher/teacher "relationships"!
Written by Stan Lee and illustrated by Al Hartley, this never-reprinted intro tale from Atlas' Meet Miss Bliss (1955) was ripped-off...I mean derived...from the then-popular CBS radio and TV series Our Miss Brooks!
Note: In the 1950s, it wasn't unusual for a series to begin as a radio show, then carry over to the then-new medium of television, sometimes running in both formats simultaneously as this series did!
It was popular enough to warrant a b-movie with the tv show cast (done as the series ended it's run) which tied up the show's plotlines ending with Miss Brooks and Mr Boynton engaged!
There was a one-shot Our Miss Brooks comic from Dell (the biggest producer of radio/movie/tv tie-in comics), but, for whatever reason, it didn't lead to an ongoing series!
As you can see from this intro page to the Our Miss Brooks comic, Miss Bliss followed the format and characters of Miss Brooks almost to a "T", with one major exception...Miss Brooks chased after hunky teacher Mr Boynton, while Miss Bliss was chased by hunky teacher Mr Grant!
The comic played the romance humorously, much like other teen humor books.
Meet Miss Bliss lasted only four issues, then Miss Bliss became a supporting character in the better-selling Patsy and Hedy comic book!

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We Continue with Stories Combining School and Sex!
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Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane
Volume 1: Super Crush

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Amorous Education HIGH SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL DIARY "Forbidden Subject"

Think college romances are tricky to deal with?

High school presents equally-difficult problems for hormonally-driven teens...
This fairly-saccharine, never-reprinted tale from Charlton's High School Confidential Diary #2 (1960) was scripted by Joe Gill, penciled by Joe Sinnott and inked by Vince Colletta.
The Comics Code Authority took a lot of the excitement out of what was a pretty exciting genre which previously was aimed at a late teen/early adult female audience!
Take a look at 1940s and 1950s stories we've run to see what I mean!
By the time the Code was revised and "loosened" in the early 1970s, it was too late for the all-but deceased romance genre!

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We Continue with Stories Combining School and Sex!
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Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane
Volume 1: Super Crush

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Amorous Education SORORITY SECRETS "Secret!"

Halloween's over, so it's time to return to class...
...where students are diligently-applying themselves to the subject at hand!
Moral: if you don't like someone, blackmail them with a lie (but only if there's nothing truthful that's really juicy).
Ironically, that's exactly the sort of thing we see on prime-time soaps today, almost 70 years later!
This never-reprinted tale from Toby's Sorority Secrets #1 (1954) shows the styles of several noted Golden Age artists.
Among the talents listed as working on the book (but not as to which stories they did) are; Bernard Baily, Ben Brown, David Gantz, and John Rosenberger.
This particular story shows both Baily and Rosenberger's work in certain panels, so we'll go with them as the illustrators.
The writer, though, is unknown.
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We Continue with Stories Combining School and Sex!
And Yes, You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
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Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane
Volume 1: Super Crush

Friday, October 29, 2021

Halloween HeartBreak / Tell a Tale of Terror Thrice WEIRD MYSTERIES "Easy Dies It!"

You've seen two earlier versions HERE and HERE!
Now read the final...AFAIK...variation on a theme...
Writer Carl Wessler really knew how to milk a plot to death (pun intended)!
This never-reprinted Carl Burgos-illustrated, tale from Pastime Publications' Weird Mysteries #1 (1959) didn't have to stick to strict Comics Code standards since the periodical was a b/w magazine, and the Code only applied to four-color comic books!
We hope you've enjoyed our annual Halloween fantasy/sci-fi/horror romance blogathon.
Please bookmark us to enjoy the only weekly dose of romance in graphic form on the 'Net...and you wouldn't want to miss a single post because...
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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Halloween HeartBreak / Tell a Tale of Terror Thrice WORLD OF FANTASY "If...!"

Ever think men and women are from totally-different worlds?
This reworking of yesterday's story (Seen HERE) proves you right!
Writer Carl Wessler had already used the basic plot for this story twice before:
  1. "If!" in Atlas' Suspense #27 (1953), with the girl and her family being werewolves and vampires (talk about a blended family) as you saw yesterday!
  2. "Out Cold" in EC's Haunt of Fear #25 (1954), with the girl and family shown to be ghouls!
But, by the time this never-reprinted story in Atlas' World of Fantasy #2 (1956) was published, the Comics Code had been implemented, banning "creatures of the night", except in humor titles.
So Wessler went with aliens.
Sci-fi was experiencing a resurgence, so it was the logical way to go.
The illustrator was Jay Scott Pike who ended up specializing in romance comics.
You can see some of his work on this very blog by clicking HERE.
Look for the final version of this terrifying tale in baleful black-and-white from Pastime Publishing's Weird Mysteries #1 (1959)...
(You didn't think we'd make you wait a week...did you!)
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