Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Jilting of Supergirl" Part I

Talk about "spoilers"...

...but if this doesn't tug on your heartstrings (and make you wonder "why"???), nothing will!

Is Steve too good to be true?
What is his startling secret...and how will it affect the Girl of Steel?
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Supergirl: the Silver Age Omnibus
Volume 2
(which ends just before the stories we're re-presenting!)

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

AGAR-AGAR "Even Heroes Get Tired"

...oh, c'mon!
You really think there's a coherent narrative link in this strip?
So that's why Clark and Lois know...until recently!
This story from New England Library's Dracula #7 (1971) was written by Luis Gasca under the pen-name Sadko  and illustrated in a Peter Max-esque style by Alberto Solsona.
It's the first of four tales unseen by American audiences, since Warren Magazines reprinted only the first six issues of Dracula in their 1972 trade paperback.
But you'll see the other three on alternate weeks, rotating with never-reprinted Silver Age romances of Supergirl!
It'll be a groovy trip, baby!
Next Week
Another Never-Reprinted Super-Love Story with Kara Zor-El!
And We Guarantee...
You'll Cry If You Miss It!
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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Heroine Haters" Conclusion

...depressed over her Stanhope College classmates finding boyfriends using computer dating, Kara uses the Fortress of Solitude's Super-Computer to find the perfect mate for her.
While it indicates that Volar of the planet Torma is perfect for her, the Girl of Steel's cousin warns her against getting her hopes up.
Supergirl travels to Torma and discovers that women there are treated as 2nd-class citizens, and that she's considered an amusing freak!
But will love for the handsome and dynamic Volar, whose respect and admiration for her is far different from any of the other men of Torma, enable her to overcome such blatant prejudice?
Too bad DC never followed-up on the saga of the first transvestite super-heroine.
Note: There was a transvestite super-hero in the 1940s...the original Cat-Man!
Written by Cary Bates, penciled by Win Mortimer and inked by Jack Abel, this cover-featured tale from DC's Adventure Comics #384 (1969) would probably have a much different ending if created today!
There are now numerous gay and bisexual characters (both main and supporting) in comics and comics-oriented media, so the idea of two heroines (or heroes) being involved would hardly be shocking to the audience...

Next Week...

We're alternating the Supergirl entries this summer with the remaining Agar-Agar tales...which were never published in America!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Heroine Haters" Part 1

It's going to be a super-summer here at True Love Comics Tales as we present...
...the never-reprinted Silver Age romances of Kara Zor-El aka Linda Danvers aka Supergirl!
Actually, you'll have to tune in tomorrow, when we present the conclusion of this...unique...relationship!
Written by Cary Bates, penciled by Win Mortimer and inked by Jack Abel, this cover-featured tale from DC's Adventure Comics #384 (1969) would probably have a much different ending if created today!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Love in the Time of Covid-19 LOVE DIARY "I was Branded a Flirt, a Nurse Confesses..."

For our final (for now) disease-themed story...
...we present an intense, never-reprinted one from Orbit's Love Diary #1 (1949) which takes a twist you probably don't expect!!
That "life together" continued for five more issues of Love Diary, along with a two-story spinoff featuring supporting character Sally Weeks!
Vicky didn't end up with the wholesome "boy next door" doctor as you might expect, but the glamourous, slightly-arrogant studmuffin!
But, that doesn't mean the course of true love is without some rough patches, as you'll see when we continue this series in our "brother" RetroBlog Medical Comics and Stories!
Next Week
We Begin Our Super-Summer Blogathon featuring...
...Never-Reprinted Romances of Supergirl!
You'll Cry If You Miss It!
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