Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Love in the Time of Covid-19 MY SECRET LIFE "My Last Chance for Love"

Think only we humans suffer during pandemics and epidemics?
Here's a tale involving doctors and patients you've never seen before on this blog!
Is this what passed for "true love" back in the 1950s?
This story from Charlton's My Secret Life #19 (1957) seems to think so!
But there's a kicker to this!
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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Love in the Time of Covid-19 YOUNG ROMANCE "Scheduled for Heartbreak"

What happens when step-siblings in a mixed marriage fall in love?
It sure as hell ain't gonna be the Brady Bunch!
But that's not even the big plot twist in this never-reprinted story from Prize's Young Romance #103 (1959-1960)!
You just knew there had to be a disease somewhere in there!
And, of course, there's hope that modern science would somehow save the doomed step-brother/bridegroom!
If not, que sera sera!
BTW, before you freak out, only in Virginia is it illegal for step-siblings to marry!
It's not like they're actually brother and sister, or even first cousins!
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Another Tale of Disease, Debilitating Conditions and Desire!
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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Love in the Time of Covid-19 TRUE LOVE CONFESSIONS "Fool's Gold..."

Why is it that most stories involving two medical personnel in love show the woman as a nurse?
And that she's in the profession only to find a doctor to marry?
This never-reprinted tale from Premier's True Love Confessions #8 (1955) features not one but two studly doctors for the nurse to choose from!
The story, illustrated by Hy Fleishman, also gives Lila a third guy (rich, older, but non-medical) to choose from!
But in the end, she opts for the poor, but dedicated, Roc!
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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Love in the Time of Covid-19 LOVE ROMANCES "Confessions of Judith Temple"

Despite the lurid title...
...this is a story about disease and it's effect on a young woman's life!
Wow! How things have changed!
To think a bunch of busybody biddies might have the power to drive someone out of town without any evidence of wrongdoing!
Sounds a lot like the chant "LOCK HER UP!", eh?
"Infantile paralysis" is another name for polio, for which Dr Jonas Salk developed a vaccine in 1955, four years after this never-reprinted story from Atlas' Love Romances #19 was published!
Versatile multi-genre illustrator Frank R. Sieminsky did several dozen comic stories from romance to Westerns to crime and horror from the late 1940s to early 1950s.
What he did after that is unknown...
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Another Tale of Debilitating Conditions and Desire!
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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Love in the Time of Covid-19 TEEN SECRET DIARY "He Loves Me"

Though it's all but eliminated now, polio (a virus like Covid-19)...
... was once rampant in our population, crippling hundreds of thousands until a vaccine was created!
Interesting how polio proved to be an "equalizer", turning a social snob into (as my father used to say) "a genuine human being"!
Penciled by (I think) Tony Talarico and inked (definitely) by Sal Trapani, this never-reprinted story from Charlton's Teen Secret Diary #3 (1960) is a paean to a time when we were a somewhat more empathetic society.
The writer is, unfortunately, unknown.
The fact one of our then-recent Presidents, Franklin D Roosevelt, was crippled by polio was a factor in the speed a cure was found.
Wonder if that would work today...
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Another Tale of Debilitating Conditions and Desire!
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