Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Halloween HeartBreak GHOSTLY TALES "Promise" Conclusion

Pursued by Japanese invaders, a wounded Korean soldier comes upon a house inhabited by two sisters who agree to aid him upon condition that he marry one of them.
He does so, and when the Japanese squad arrives, the sisters reveal themselves to be expert swordswomen who kill the entire squad...
The phrase "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned!" apparently applies to women in all cultures.
Here's writer/artist Sanho Kim explaining the basis of this type of tale...
Next Week:
It's Halloween!
Wait 'Til You See What We Have For You!
You'll cry your eyes out if you miss it!
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(an anthology which digitally-remasters and re-presents this tale!)

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Halloween HeartBreak GHOSTLY TALES "Promise" Part 1

Though Haunted Love was Charlton's Gothic romance title...
...ghostly love stories like this unique bi-lingual tale could pop up anywhere in the publisher's comic line!
Based on a classic Korean folk tale, this fascinating tale, scripted and illustrated by Sanho Kim was an experiment that, unfortunately, was never repeated.
You'll cry your eyes out if you miss it!
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(which digitally-remasters and re-presents this tale!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

TOMB OF TERROR "What D'You Know, Joe?" / WEIRD "Gruesome Shock"

Here's a tale that's so NOT nice...
...that it was told twice, by two different publishers...using the same script!
The first version, illustrated by Jack Sparling, is from Harvey's Tomb of Terror #13 (1954).
Because it was considered too gruesome (even with heavy editing) to be reprinted, it was never printed in Comics Code-approved color comics.
But, the script, by an unknown writer, was re-used verbatim in a re-drawn version for Eerie Publications' b/w magazine Weird V9N1 (1969) with Cirilo Munoz providing the expanded (6 pages compared to 5 in the original) story's art!
Which version do you prefer, reader?
Next Week:
More Halloween-season romance!
You'll cry your eyes out if you miss it!
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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

PHASE 1 "Soul Food"

It's time to kick off our month-long Halloween romance series...
...with this never-reprinted tale from SQ Productions' Phase 1 (1971)!
If writer Phil Seuling and artist Chris Notarile are unfamiliar to you, it's understandable since they didn't do much creative work in the comics industry.
In fact, this is Notarile's only comic work!
Today he runs Outlines Inc, a studio providing storyboards for movie and TV projects, as seen HERE!
Seuling wrote a dozen or so stories and text features, but is best-known as the founder of SeaGate Distributors, the first company to supply non-returnable comics to stores, creating the Direct Market and Comic Book stores as we know them!
Next Week:
More Halloween-season romance!
You'll cry your eyes out if you miss it!
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Wednesday, September 26, 2018


What's the best way to get married?
A big ceremony with months of planning? A quick elopement? Something in-between?
For Ron and Jeannie, as shown by artist Art Saff and an unknown writer in this never-reprinted tale from Standard's Thrilling Romances #25 (1954), a traditional family-sized wedding was the solution!
Your mileage may vary!
Next Week:
We're Not Sure Yet Exactly What We'll Present!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from out sponsor..
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