Wednesday, January 11, 2017

REACH FOR HAPPINESS "Episode 25" Part 2

...hastily returning from Hollywood to Danville Corners in response to a cryptic summons, Karen learns that the finance of her true love, Greg, has fallen into a coma!
The pot is heating up!
We're almost at boiling point!
And things are about to spill over, as we'll month!
This chapter of "Reach for Happiness" from Secret Hearts #134 (1969) was written by Jack Miller, and the art credits are stabilizing as Jay Scott Pike seems to have penciled the entire story with inks by George Roussos, except the cover art penciled by Neal Adams and inked by Dick Giordano!
Note: this issue was edited by Joe Orlando, just before Dick Giordano took over.
Jack Miller (who writes "Reach for Happiness") was the book's editor, and left the position as of this issue, but continues to write the strip!)
Next Week:
We don't yet know what we'll present!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, January 4, 2017


...BTW, this is the first time the strip doesn't have a splash page before this synopsis!
Now, on with the story...
Is Karen just Greg's "sloppy seconds"?
What would happen if Rita woke up?
Next Week:
The Plot Sickens!
This chapter of "Reach for Happiness" from Secret Hearts #134 (1969) was written by Jack Miller, and the art credits are stabilizing as Jay Scott Pike seems to have penciled the entire story with inks by George Roussos, although the art seems rushed!
Note: this issue was edited by Joe Orlando, just before Dick Giordano took over as of next issue.
Jack Miller (who writes "Reach for Happiness") was the book's editor, and left the position as of this issue, but continues to write the strip!)
Please Support
True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Christmas Comics COOKIE "Do Your Xmas Shopping Early"

How do you make some extra cash for Christmas?
If you're a teenager named "Cookie", it's usually the hard way...
Oddly enough, I couldn't find a Christmas-specific story in over 400 romance comics!
So I went with this teen humor strip from Cookie #10 (1947), written and illustrated by Dan Gordon, who was a writer-animator-director for the Fleischer Studios (Superman, Popeye), then went into comics, finally returning to animation at Hanna-Barbera where he co-created (among others) The Flintstones!

We're taking a week off and will be back after New Year's Day.
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


...receiving a phone call from her sister about former love Greg being in trouble, freshly-minted Hollywood starlet Karen drops everything to dash back to Danville Corners...
Is Karen through with Hollywood?
Is Greg through with Rita?
And what is the meaning behind Greg's thought balloon "No! It's too late!" on the cover...but not in the story?
Find out in January, as Reach for Happiness continues!
This chapter from Secret Hearts #133 (1969) was written by Jack Miller, and the art credits are stabilizing as Jay Scott Pike seems to have penciled the entire story with inks by George Roussos, except the splash/cover art penciled/inked by Dick Giordano!
Next Week:
We're in the Holiday Mood!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales this Christmas!
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016


That's Danville Corners!
Whats going on?
Hopefully, this will clear itself up shortly...
Well, I didn't see that coming!
Next Week:
Return to Danville Corners!
This chapter of "Reach for Happiness" from Secret Hearts #133 (1969) was written by Jack Miller, and the art credits are stabilizing as Jay Scott Pike seems to have penciled the entire story with inks by George Roussos, except the splash/cover art penciled/inked by Dick Giordano!
Please Support
True Love Comics Tales
this Christmas!
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