Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Amorous Education CAMPUS LOVES "My Shameless Deception"

Think the catty schemers of The CW and FreeForm are innovative?
...well, such machinations were a common plot element when your parents (or even grandparents) were in class and the school paper was the Internet of it's time!
Ripped from the pages of Quality's Campus Loves #4 (1949), this tale of truth and tattletales doesn't have any credits and even the experts at the Grand Comics Database are stumped as to the identities of the writer and artist!
Interestingly, when it was reprinted only a year or so later in Quality's Love Experiences #12 (1951), there were some weird, almost arbitrary changes made, starting with the title and opening caption...
...and minor changes to backgounds, as seen here, but no other text or art changes censoring women's clothing as seen HERE!
Next Week:
We Continue with Stories Combining School and Sex!
And Yes, You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor...
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Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane
Volume 1: Super Crush

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

WARTIME ROMANCES "Some Sergeants are Sweethearts"

This never-reprinted tale from 1953 may not look like a tale about romance...

...but trust is!
So what did you expect?
This story's from 1953, not 2022!
Note that this is the sort of story that could only work as a prose or graphic narrative, since if it were a movie or tv presentation, the sergeant's voice would give away the twist ending!
Except for inker Bernard Sachs, the other creative credits for this tale from St John's WarTime Romances #15 are unknown.

Next week:
We haven't decided yet what it'll be, but we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)
And now a word from out sponsor...
Support True Love Comics Tales
(and remember, Valentine's Day is coming!)

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


We considered putting this one under the "Amorous Education" header...

...but school isn't a major plot point in this never-reprinted tale from DC's Love Stories #148 (1973)!
Sometimes there are just no words...nor in this case, oddly, any credits!

 Next Week:
We don't know what we'll publish...yet!
But, You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

TEEN-AGE LOVE "A Very Merry Christmas"

We promised you a Christmas romance story...

...and, hoo boy, did we deliver!
It's a Hallmark Channel Yuletide TV-movie in comic-book form!
It's also one of the rare Charlton covers that isn't just re-used art from the story inside, but new art by Dick Giordano!
Talk about your two-for-one deals!
A Christmas story and a New Years Eve tale in one!
Though this never-reprinted story from Charlton's Teen-Age Love #44 (1965) is attributed to penciler Bill Montes and inker Jon D'Agostino, it looks like several other pencilers and inkers redrew individual panels, including Steve Ditko and Sal Trapani!
We're taking next week off, but we'll be back in January with much more graphic love!
and a

Thursday, December 16, 2021


Yesterday, we presented the first version of this tale with a Christmas Eve ending...

...but when it was reprinted several years later, it was spotlighted not only with a cover by Al Avison...
...but a new contents page illustration by Doug (Jonny Quest) Wildey!
Now, note the alterations to both story and art...courtesy of the newly-formed Comics Code Authority! (You did note their stamp on the cover?)
Start with covering Wendy's cleavage...
More cleavage-covering and a rewrite of "suggestive" word balloons in panels 5 and 7.
Caption rewrite in panel 1.
"Suggestive" word balloon in panel 4 rewritten.
No changes on this page!
Guess the censor took a cigarette/coffee break!
It's fascinating to see what the Code considered licentious back when this story was reprinted in Harvey's Hi-School Romance #61 (1957)

Next week:
We DO Know What We'll Present!
An ACTUAL Christmas Romance Tale!

And, We Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from out sponsor..
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Romance Without Tears
featuring comics stories written by Dana Dutch!