Showing posts with label romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label romance. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lost Love OUR LOVE STORY "Model with a Broken Heart"

It's a 1970s story with a 1940s "feel"...
...because the scripter was a child of the Swingin' 60s-70s, and the illustrator was one of the greats of the Golden Age.
The story has a weird feel to it, like a 1940s-50s tales updated for the 60s-70s.
But I'm assured this never-reprinted tale from Marvel's Our Love Story #14 (1971) was, in fact, written and illustrated in 1970-71!
Writer Gary Friedrich began scripting Western, military, and superhero comics in the late 1960s, including Sgt Fury and His Howling Commandos, the cowboy Ghost Rider, and the Steve Ditko-illustrated Blue Beetle.
But he began his career doing romance comic stories at Charlton!
Later, he would co-create the first Black superheroine, ButterFly and the motorcycling Ghost Rider.
Tarpe Mills was one of few female writer/artists (let alone female writers or artists) in the Golden Age.
Besides working on a number of established series, she created one of the first superheroines; Miss Fury!
Tarpe retired from comics in the early 1950s, returning in the '70s to do this romance story under the pen-name "JT Mills" (short for her full name, June Tarpe Mills) and both a cover... 
...and a limited-edition tip-in plate...
for a Miss Fury reprint trade paperback.
Next Week...
Another Lost Love Story from the 1960s-70s!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Super-Love LOVE AND CAPES "Do You Want to Know a Secret?" Part 1A

We Have Already Seen...

Mild-mannered, slightly-klutzy, glasses-wearing accountant Mark is romantically-involved with bookstore owner Abby. whom he met when he did her financials!
A typical, perhaps even unremarkable, love story...except that Mark is also the multi-powered super-hero known as...The Crusader!
He has just revealed his secret identity to Abby, who after the initial shock wore off, seems to be taking it in stride...until she discovers he was previously-involved with his glamorous, scantily-clad super-teammate...whom he still works with!
It looks like we're off to a good start!

Next Week:
We End This Chapter of Super-Love with the Most Controversial Story about Clark Kent and Lois Lane Ever Published!
(And, It's by a Famous Sci-Fi Author!)
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Super-Love LOVE AND CAPES "Do You Want to Know a Secret?" Part 1

While Young Heroes in Love was a super-soap opera...
...this popular series is a super-sitcom, playing off decades-old concepts from both DC and Marvel...but mostly DC!
And on that light-hearted note, we take our leave until
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
Created, written and illustrated by Thom (My Little Pony) Zahler, the series has continued, on and off, from 2006 to the present, detailing Mark and Abby's relationship from dating to...well...what dating and getting serious often leads, not divorce!
Think of the culture clashes of Bob ❤︎ Abishola, but with superbeings!
In fact, reading this tale. with all the major superheroing being "off-camera", I wonder if it was meant to be a TV sitcom!
(Note: I hoped to do a link to a DVD or Blu-Ray collection of 
Bob ❤︎ Abishola, but there ain't none!
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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Super-Love Redux with SUPERGIRL "Heroine Haters" Conclusion

...depressed over her Stanhope College classmates finding boyfriends using computer dating, Kara uses the Fortress of Solitude's Super-Computer to find the perfect mate for her.
While it indicates that Volar of the planet Torma is perfect for her, the Girl of Steel's cousin (you-know-who) warns her against unrealistic expectations.
Supergirl travels to Torma and discovers that women there are treated as 2nd-class citizens, and that she's considered an amusing freak!
But will love for the handsome and dynamic Volar, whose respect and admiration for her is far different from any of the other men of Torma, enable her to overcome such blatant prejudice?
BTW, note that Volar looks totally-different on the cover by penciler Curt Swan and inker Murphy Anderson!
Too bad DC never followed-up on the saga of the first transvestite super-heroine.
BTW, why couldn't Volar's genius scientist father synthesize the chemicals needed to utilize the mask?
Just askin'...
Also, since Superman programs his Super-Computer, why didn't he add the information on Volar's disguise to the database?
Or did the computer deliberately leave out that info when responding to Suprgirl's query?
Note: There was a transvestite super-hero in the 1940s...the original Cat-Man!

Written by Cary Bates, penciled by Win Mortimer and inked by Jack Abel, this cover-featured tale from DC's Adventure Comics #384 (1969) would probably have a much different ending if created today!
There are now numerous main and supporting gay and bisexual characters in comics and comics-oriented media, so the idea of two heroines (or heroes) being involved would hardly be shocking to the audience...

Next Week...
Yet More Super-Love!
Will It be a Marvel or DC Character?
Or Somebody from Neither Publisher?
All We Can Tell You is...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Super-Love Redux with SUPERGIRL "Heroine Haters" Part 1

We re-present...
...a never-reprinted Silver Age romance of Kara Zor-El aka Linda Danvers aka Supergirl!
This particular one involves both Artificial Intelligence misleading a user and a romance that would be handled quite differently if this story was done today!
Actually, you'll have to tune in tomorrow, when we present the conclusion of this...unique...relationship!
Written by Cary Bates, penciled by Win Mortimer and inked by Jack Abel, this cover-featured tale from DC's Adventure Comics #384 (1969) would probably have a much different ending if it was created today!
As we said, be back TOMORROW!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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