Showing posts with label retro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retro. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


We wind up February with this story...
...which, like the previous entries, didn't originally feature Black protagonists, as you'll see!
In our entry about Fawcett's 1950s title Negro Romance (HERE), we mentioned that the actual stories were rather generic, with the characters being illustrated as Black rather than White being the only difference.
This John Rosenberger-penciled and Win Mortimer-inked tale from DC's Girls' Love Stories #170 (1972) proves that point, since it's actually a visually-modified version of this story...
...from DC's Young Romance #151 (1967-68)!
BTW, the original tale was the cover feature!
While the fashions, hairstyles, and the leads' facial features were modified, the script stayed almost exactly the same!
Even the characters' names (Terry and Rich) were unchanged!
(Credit where credit is due: amazing romance comics historian Jacque Nodell pointed out the link between these two stories HERE!)
But the saga doesn't end there!
The story was re-presented one more time, in DC's Young Love #111 (1974)...
...this time with the usual "updating" of hairstyles and fashions...but very little modification of the original script and Terry and Rich stayed Caucasian!
Next Week:
We don't yet know what we'll present!
(But if you read last week's post, you'll see what we might run!)
No matter what, we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

DEAR LONELY HEART "So This is Love!"

This is not the typical way a 1950s romance comic story begins...
...but this tale from Comic Media's Dear Lonely Heart #1 (1951) does have some predictable, even cliche, twists!
One date and he proposes?
And she accepts?
If she has a concussion, the writer doesn't mention it...
Speaking of which, we don't know the identities of either the writer or artist (except that they worked for the Iger Studio, which "packaged" stories and even ongoing strips for publishers), which may be just as well since I suspect some of our readers would probably want to do them serious harm for their backward (even for 1951) portrayal of male/female relationships!
BTW, this was from the first issue of Dear Lonely Heart.
It was canceled after eight issues, but the publisher must've liked the title, because it launched Dear Lonely Hearts (note the "s") less than a year later.
It also lasted only eight issues.
Next Week...
We Don't Yet Know What We'll Present!
But We Can Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

And Now a Word from Our Sponsor...
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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

GOLDEN WEST LOVE "The Love I Almost Lost"

It's not often we run a real-life love story about a celebrity...
...and, in addition, it's a romance set in the Wild West
Annie Oakley appeared in almost 300 stories in the 1950s and '60, including several strips in anthology comics, numerous guest appearances in other character's strips, and at least two solo comic books.
This story from Golden West Love #2 (1949) was penciled by Tex Blaisdell and inked by John Augustin.
The writer is unknown. 
Next Week:
We're Not Sure Yet Exactly What We'll Present!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!

And now a word from out sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

TEEN LOVE STORIES "I'll Be Yours, My Love"

A 1960s romance comic story, but not from a romance comic...

 ...but from a teen romance magazine, published in 1967!

Jim Warren, who built up a publishing business in the early 1960s with titles like Famous Monsters of FilmlandScreen ThrillsHelp!, and Monster World, got into comics publishing with a diverse line of b/w magazines (to avoid the restrictions of the Comics Code that controlled editorial content of color comics) including CreepyEerieBlazing Combat, and Teen Love Stories.
To maximize the potential audience for the romance title, it was designed to appear similar to teen mags of the era like Tiger Beat and 16, which it was racked with...
...and, besides comic strips, it included text features, quizzes...
...and even anti-smoking ads!
(illustrated by the legendary Frank Frazetta, no less!)

Of all the Warren Publishing comic magazines, Teen Love Stories was the shortest-lived at only three issues, all of which are very hard-to-find!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Amorous Education JETTA OF THE 21st CENTURY "What a Specimen"

To help ease your sad return to school before Labor Day (those of you with an extended school year)...
MORE fun with Dan DeCarlo's Jetta!
The 21st Century isn't what they thought it would be in 1953...
"Leaping Electrodes!"
"Now we're cookin' with uranium!"
"Go atomize yourself!"
"This is simply electronic!"
Why aren't we all talking like this?
This tale from Jetta #6 (which was actually the second issue) was written and penciled by Dan DeCarlo, but it may not have been inked by him.
Next Week...
We're Not Yet Certain What We'll Present!
But We Can Guarantee that...

You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

And now a word from our sponsor...

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Dan DeCarlo's Jetta