Showing posts with label Young Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Young Love. Show all posts

Friday, September 29, 2023

Love is a Prison YOUNG LOVE "Love Behind Bars! II" Conclusion

When Last We Left Our Innocent Protagonist...

...actually, this scene is about to happen...sort of!
Stephanie freaks out as she's about to meet her incarcerated boyfriend Vic as he is released from prison!
Returning home, she hastily packs, leaves a note for her parents, and boards a bus for New York City!
En route, she chats with her seatmate, a friendly old man who warns her of the perils of the Big City.
When Steph arrives at Manhattan's Port Authority bus terminal, she's shocked to discover the geezer had pickpocketed her, leaving her without money, credit cards, or ID!
When a pimp, seeing the distraught young woman, attempts to pick her up, he driven away by an elderly couple who claim they're from the "Travelers' Protection Agency" who bring her to their building, a hotel/halfway house for wayward girls...
Boy, when the Comics Code Authority loosened up the guidelines in 1971...they really loosened them!
A pimp, a cathouse/bordello with its' mistress (with her aide), and a hot-to-trot "john"!
Not exactly a typical day in a DC comic, eh?
So, in a somewhat-truncated ending, Vic's totally-innocent (and his conviction expunged), and Steph's released without even being booked (thus no arrest record)?
Don't ya just love a happy ending?

Next Week:
It's October, and We Begin Our Annual Month-Long Presentation of
Halloween Heartbreak!
We Can Guarantee...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Love is a Prison YOUNG LOVE "Love Behind Bars! II" Part 1

We Have Already Seen...

Watch now, as previous creatives writer Robert Kanigher and inker Vince Colletta, along with new penciler Ric Estrada continue the story a year later in DC's Young Love #124 (1977)...
Does this adorable elderly couple truly know "what's best" for her?
So how does she end up here?
Find Out Tomorrow!
And We Can Guarantee...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

And now a word from our sponsor...
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True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Love is a Prison YOUNG LOVE "Love Behind Bars!"

It starts off the way the previous "Love is a Prison" stories did...
...but you'll never see the ending that's coming!

It took a full year after this cover-featured tale by writer Robert Kanigher, penciler Art Saff, and inker Vince Colletta appeared in DC's Young Love #119 (1975-76), but there was a resolution to the story, as shown in this ad from Young Love #123 (1977)... 

You, Dear Reader, Won't Have to Wait a Year...or Even a Month to Find Out What Happens!
Just Be Here Tomorrow!
And We Can Guarantee...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Laugh at Love! TRUER THAN TRUE ROMANCE "Job from Hell!" / YOUNG LOVE "Love a la Carte"

Take an old romance comics story...
...and totally-rewrite it...without altering the artwork!
It's actually quite funny!
Author Jeanne Martinet (who did the rewriting) received DC Comics' cooperation with full access to their art archives so the original printing film could be reused to maintain an authentic retro comic book "look" in her "Classic Love Comics Retold!" anthology Truer than True Romance (2001)!
This particular piece was from DC's Young Love #85 (1971), and the original storyline by scripter Jack Oleck was vastly different!
The art was by Art Saff, who started drawing comics featuring beautiful women during the Golden Age, continued in the Silver Age, and kept going into the Bronze Age, as demonstrated HERE!

Next Week:
Another Serious Romance Story Rewritten for Laughs and We Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Wednesday, February 22, 2023


We wind up February with this story...
...which, like the previous entries, didn't originally feature Black protagonists, as you'll see!
In our entry about Fawcett's 1950s title Negro Romance (HERE), we mentioned that the actual stories were rather generic, with the characters being illustrated as Black rather than White being the only difference.
This John Rosenberger-penciled and Win Mortimer-inked tale from DC's Girls' Love Stories #170 (1972) proves that point, since it's actually a visually-modified version of this story...
...from DC's Young Romance #151 (1967-68)!
BTW, the original tale was the cover feature!
While the fashions, hairstyles, and the leads' facial features were modified, the script stayed almost exactly the same!
Even the characters' names (Terry and Rich) were unchanged!
(Credit where credit is due: amazing romance comics historian Jacque Nodell pointed out the link between these two stories HERE!)
But the saga doesn't end there!
The story was re-presented one more time, in DC's Young Love #111 (1974)...
...this time with the usual "updating" of hairstyles and fashions...but very little modification of the original script and Terry and Rich stayed Caucasian!
Next Week:
We don't yet know what we'll present!
(But if you read last week's post, you'll see what we might run!)
No matter what, we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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