Showing posts with label Love Diary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love Diary. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

LOVE DIARY "Love Slave!"

Handsome guy snuggling beautiful gal.
Looks like True Love, doesn't it?
Well, looks can be deceiving...
Typical story of the era..woman must be taught her self-destructive desires are wrong by an assertive man who knows what's best for her!
Illustrated by Marvel Comics mainstay John Buscema, this cover-featured tale from Orbit's Love Diary #47 (1954) was a reprint from just a year earlier in Orbit's Love Journal #20 (1953).
(The extremely-sexist writer is, perhaps mercifully, unknown.)
If you're wondering why it was reprinted so quickly, it was because Orbit was shutting down and simply fulfilling it's contracted obligation to the distributor to supply a specific number of issues.
It didn't matter if the books were original material or reprints.
And, at that point in comics history, creatives didn't get reprint royalties, so...
The next issue of Love Diary, also all-reprint, was the last Orbit comic ever published.
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