Showing posts with label Jay Scott Pike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jay Scott Pike. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


...hey, we finally have a splash panel that actually reflects the beginning of the chapter instead of the end!
Has Karen's reputation been dragged through the mud?
Will this complicate her revived relationship with Greg?
This chapter of "Reach for Happiness" from Secret Hearts #137 (1969) was written by Jack Miller, penciled by Jay Scott Pike, and inked by George Roussos.
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

REACH FOR HAPPINESS "Episode 27" Part 2

Karen returns to Danville Corners and Greg's arms.
Suddenly, Greg's fiance, Rita, awakens from her coma!
As friends and relatives gather to celebrate in Rita's room, a paramour from her past, Ray, appears...
Next Month:
The Third Most Unexpected Plot Twist of All!
(If you never watched soap operas, that is...) 
This chapter of "Reach for Happiness" from Secret Hearts #136 (1969) was written by Jack Miller, penciled by Jay Scott Pike, and inked by George Roussos (except for the cover/splash page which Nick Cardy penciled and editor Dick Giordano inked).
 Next Week:
We don't know what we'll publish...yet!
But, You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Is Karen a man-stealer?
Is Rita about to have her heart broken?
Read on...
Why does Rita want Ray Silva, not her fiance, Greg, to take her home?
The Second Most Unexpected Plot Twist of All!
(If you never watched soap operas, that is...) 
This chapter of "Reach for Happiness" from Secret Hearts #136 (1969) was written by Jack Miller, penciled by Jay Scott Pike, and inked by George Roussos (except for the splash page which Nick Cardy penciled and editor Dick Giordano inked).
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True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

REACH FOR HAPPINESS "Episode 26" Part 2 looks like Karen will finally be with Greg as his fiance Rita remains in her coma!
Is it too good to be true?
Or will something else come between the star-crossed lovers?
You didn't really think Rita was going to stay in her coma, did you?
If you're a soap opera fan, this was the most expected plot twist of all!
This chapter of "Reach for Happiness" from Secret Hearts #135 (1969) was written by Jack Miller, penciled by Jay Scott Pike, and inked by George Roussos.
New editor Dick Giordano inked the Bill Draut-penciled cover.
 Next Week:
A Valentine's Day Special!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Luckily, the story contains its' own built-in synopsis page!
Will Karen's love be enough?
What would happen if Rita woke up?
The Most Unexpected Plot Twist of All!
(If you never watched soap operas, that is...) 
This chapter of "Reach for Happiness" from Secret Hearts #135 (1969) was written by Jack Miller, penciled by Jay Scott Pike, and inked by George Roussos (except for the splash page which new editor Dick Giordano inked).
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True Love Comics Tales!
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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

REACH FOR HAPPINESS "Episode 25" Part 2

...hastily returning from Hollywood to Danville Corners in response to a cryptic summons, Karen learns that the finance of her true love, Greg, has fallen into a coma!
The pot is heating up!
We're almost at boiling point!
And things are about to spill over, as we'll month!
This chapter of "Reach for Happiness" from Secret Hearts #134 (1969) was written by Jack Miller, and the art credits are stabilizing as Jay Scott Pike seems to have penciled the entire story with inks by George Roussos, except the cover art penciled by Neal Adams and inked by Dick Giordano!
Note: this issue was edited by Joe Orlando, just before Dick Giordano took over.
Jack Miller (who writes "Reach for Happiness") was the book's editor, and left the position as of this issue, but continues to write the strip!)
Next Week:
We don't yet know what we'll present!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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True Love Comics Tales!
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