Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


...aspiring songwriter Gay Marne attempts to get her material into the hands of the the hot singing group The Beatsters by disguising herself as a Kris Kringle bringing presents backstage to their charity concert!
When the Santa who was hired to distribute gifts shows up, she's exposed as a fraud and flees, humiliated, but trips and falls due to the poor-fitting costume!
Looks and sounds absolutely blissful, doesn't it?
But, there's usually a secret that could totally screw up the situation!
Discover what it is...

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


Here's a never-published (in America) novel-length Christmas story...
...that reads (and feels) like a Hallmark Channel Christmas story!
Don't worry about that!
There's more to come, as you'll see...
Next Week!

For Christmas this year, we're doing things a little differently.
Instead of a bunch of unrelated Christmas/winter season tales, we're presenting a movie-length "graphic novel" from England.
The artist is Luis Garcia Mozos, a Spanish artist who also did a lot of work for British comics.
Sadly, the writer credit for this story from IPC's Love Story Picture Library 507 (1964) is unknown.
BTW, this title ran over 1600 issues by doing a half-dozen issues per month covering everything from holiday tales, to period pieces involving swashbucklers, to wartime sagas to contemporary stories!
They were as popular among British teen and young adult girls as Harlequin Romances were among Americans!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

TEEN-AGE LOVE "A Very Merry Christmas"

We promised you a Christmas romance story...

...and, hoo boy, did we deliver!
It's a Hallmark Channel Yuletide TV-movie in comic-book form!
It's also one of the rare Charlton covers that isn't just re-used art from the story inside, but new art by Dick Giordano!
Talk about your two-for-one deals!
A Christmas story and a New Years Eve tale in one!
Though this never-reprinted story from Charlton's Teen-Age Love #44 (1965) is attributed to penciler Bill Montes and inker Jon D'Agostino, it looks like several other pencilers and inkers redrew individual panels, including Steve Ditko and Sal Trapani!
We're taking next week off, but we'll be back in January with much more graphic love!
and a

Thursday, December 16, 2021


Yesterday, we presented the first version of this tale with a Christmas Eve ending...

...but when it was reprinted several years later, it was spotlighted not only with a cover by Al Avison...
...but a new contents page illustration by Doug (Jonny Quest) Wildey!
Now, note the alterations to both story and art...courtesy of the newly-formed Comics Code Authority! (You did note their stamp on the cover?)
Start with covering Wendy's cleavage...
More cleavage-covering and a rewrite of "suggestive" word balloons in panels 5 and 7.
Caption rewrite in panel 1.
"Suggestive" word balloon in panel 4 rewritten.
No changes on this page!
Guess the censor took a cigarette/coffee break!
It's fascinating to see what the Code considered licentious back when this story was reprinted in Harvey's Hi-School Romance #61 (1957)

Next week:
We DO Know What We'll Present!
An ACTUAL Christmas Romance Tale!

And, We Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from out sponsor..
Support True Love Comics Tales
Please Visit Amazon and Order...
Romance Without Tears
featuring comics stories written by Dana Dutch! 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


We know, this doesn't look like a Christmas story...

...but we assure you, it does end up as one!
Underage girl weds older guy.
She has angst about not being able to do the stuff teen-agers do any more!
They break up!
Then she learns she's pregnant!
And they reunite on Christmas Eve!
It's a poignant tale with a happy ending that could occur!
So why, when this story from Harvey's Hi-School Romances #29 (1954) was reprinted a couple of years later, did they alter it?
Find out...

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

LOVELORN "My Heart Went Astray!"

It's amazing how few Christmas-themed American romance comic stories there are... we're going with this tale of greed and vanity set during a winter vacation!
(Hey, I'm working on finding more Yuletide romances!)
So, everything works out hunky-dory...except for poor Fallon!
Poor guy just can't catch a break...
This never-reprinted tale of love (of money) appeared in ACG's LoveLorn #4 (1950) and is typical of the era with its' "woman who must be shown the error of her ways before she can find true love" plotline.
Though both the writer and artist are unknown, it's fair to guess that Editor Richard E Hughes plotted and/or scripted the tale.
Next week:
We DO Know What We'll Present!
A Christmas-Themed Romance Tale!

And, We Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from out sponsor..
Support True Love Comics Tales
Please Visit Amazon and Order...
Romance Without Tears
featuring comics stories written by Dana Dutch!