Showing posts with label #supergirl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #supergirl. Show all posts

Friday, August 7, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Supergirl's Jilted Boy Friends" Conclusion

...evil android Brainiac plans to defeat Supergirl by making her fall in love with a robot imbued with the lady-killer charm and persona of famed space criminal Kimor!
Pretending to be Kimberly O'Ryan, a transfer student to Stanhope University, the robot meets Linda Danvers (whom Brainiac thinks is just a close friend of Supergirl), seduces her, then treats her like dirt!
When Kara meets Kim as Supergirl, he treats her as badly as he treated her Linda alter-ego!
Brainiac puts the final part of his plan into operation, forcing the robot to destroy itself in front of her, leading Kara to believe her actions forced the apparent "suicide".
But the plan goes awry...

Trivia: This was the only Supergirl two-part short story in Adventure that appeared as the cover feature both times!
Supergirl would not meet Brainiac again in pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths continuity, though she has battled him since!
Note the ad for Jerry Lewis meeting Wonder Woman, who was already de-powered by writer/editor/artist Mike Sekowsky...who was soon to take over the Supergirl series in Adventure Comics!
(You can read the never-reprinted team-up between Amazon and idiot HERE!)
You'll see how Sekowsky handles a Supergirl love story on two weeks!
It sure ain't like this!
But Next Week:
Another Never-Seen-in-America Tale of Intergalactic Love...or is It Just Lust...with Agar-Agar!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales!
Visit Amazon and Order...
Supergirl: the Silver Age Omnibus
(which ends just before the stories we're re-presenting, but includes Supergirl's first battle with Brainiac!)

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Supergirl's Jilted Boy Friends" Part 1

...actually, the synopsis is conveniently-provided on pages 3 & 4!
Now that's a side of the Girl of Steel we haven't previously seen!
Is Kim doomed?
Will Supergirl prove the adage about "a woman scorned" correct?
And what of Brainiac?
The answers to these, and other questions will be provided...
when Brainiac and Kimor learn that payback's a super-bitch!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales!
Visit Amazon and Order...
Supergirl: the Silver Age Omnibus
Volume 2
(which ends just before the stories we're re-presenting, but includes Supergirl's first battle with Brainiac!)

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Romance Machine" Conclusion

...evil android Brainiac plans to defeat Supergirl by making her fall in love with a robot imbued with the lady-killer charm and persona of famed space criminal Kimor!
Pretending to be Kimberly O'Ryan, a transfer student to Stanhope University, the robot meets Linda Danvers, whom Brainiac thinks is just a close friend to Supergirl!
(The cover copy is misleading, indicating Brainiac and Kimor know Linda is Supergirl!)
Actually, you lucky readers only have to wait until
when Brainiac and Kimor learn that payback's a super-bitch!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales!
Visit Amazon and Order...
Supergirl: the Silver Age Omnibus
Volume 2
(which ends just before the stories we're re-presenting, but includes Supergirl's first battle with Brainiac!)

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Romance Machine" Part 1

It's not just another story of Kara Zor-El's severely-screwed up romantic life...
...though it sure seems like it is, at the beginning!
Isn't it weird villains never try to pull a similar plot with Superman?
Though there's no footnote, Supergirl beat Brainiac in DC's Action Comics #339 (1966)!
Amazing how an android can carry a grudge.for years until DC's Adventure Comics #388 (1970)!
Is Brainiac right?
Can the Girl of Steel be manipulated like a puppet by a good-looking guy?
Be back TOMORROW to find out!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales!
Visit Amazon and Order...
Supergirl: the Silver Age Omnibus
Volume 2
(which ends just before the stories we're re-presenting, but includes Supergirl's first battle with Brainiac!)

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Jilting of Supergirl" Part II: Wedding Bells for Supergirl

Kara (in her secret identity as college student Linda Danvers) offers a sympathetic shoulder to Lois Lane, who fears Superman will marry a super-powered woman instead of than her!
The disguised Girl of Steel knows that circumstance won't ever happen to her.
But, she finds even the hottest young college men leave her unimpressed and bored!
A couple of days after saving the crew of a damaged burrowing vehicle from an underground race, a new student, Steve Robbins, appears at Stanhope College!
Handsome beyond belief and incredibly-smart (he even corrects teachers), the transfer student enchants the disguised superheroine!
That weekend, the football team's newest player (guess who?) displays his mettle...
Written by Robert Kanigher, penciled by Win Mortimer and inked by Jack Abel, this never-reprinted story from DC's Adventure Comics #385 (1969) is yet another tale of Supergirl falling madly in love (and even ready to marry the guy) in a dozen pages!
But she isn't always a love-sick sad sack.
In two weeks, you'll see what happens when the Maid of Might is the dumper...instead of the dumpee!
But Next Week:
Another Never-Seen-in-America Tale of Intergalactic Love...or is It Just Lust...with Agar-Agar!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales!
Visit Amazon and Order...
Supergirl: the Silver Age Omnibus
Volume 2
(which ends just before the stories we're re-presenting!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Super-Love with SUPERGIRL "Jilting of Supergirl" Part I

Talk about "spoilers"...

...but if this doesn't tug on your heartstrings (and make you wonder "why"???), nothing will!

Is Steve too good to be true?
What is his startling secret...and how will it affect the Girl of Steel?
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales!
Visit Amazon and Order...
Supergirl: the Silver Age Omnibus
Volume 2
(which ends just before the stories we're re-presenting!)